McCloughans first big mistake...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I don't get it. So far, a little over a year in, each step it seems Snyder had actually done the unthinkable and gotten out of the way. McCloughan has been drafting well, piling up picks, not buying over priced FA's and seemingly being in charge and in control. Plus, he seemed to be all about the lines, as it should be. Paying a corner this much is bad enough IF he is a shut down guy. It's bad because guys like that have a few years and it's over. Talib, Reivis, Sherman. They are all on the way down. Especially nowadays when guys aren't even interested in trying to play 20 years let alone try and be in the class of 1 that is Darrel Green. Worse, Norman is a scheme guy, a zone corner. Even if you are dumb enough to pay $15 mil a year for a guy, at least let it be a guy who takes their star out and leaves you to play 10 on 10.

Even worse is the fact that the Panthers LET the guy go. Why? Because you can find zone corners either in FA or the draft AND they needed the money...for their D line.
You look at all the great corners and they all have ONE thing in common; very good to great 7 in front of them. If your line and backers can't handle the run or screens or get to the QB it doesn't matter if you ARE a shut down corner; you're getting beat everywhere else.

The Skins NEED D line and maybe that's the thinking; get some D line in the draft? But, again, if everyone else can get zone corners in FA or in the draft, why would we blow up the model for one like this?

First sign of a crack in the McCloughan era? Or over reaction by hyper sensitive fan? :popcorn: