McFossil's Birthday Today


Habari Na Mijeldi
He's 72 today!


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No Use for Donk Twits
And what will Nonno's post be on October 5th?

The birthday of that old wrinkley white guy who beat the younger black guy?


Well-Known Member
Still, after 2004, nothing could surprise me when it comes to the American voters.

And with such unbridled optimism about America, it's hard to believe anyone could accuse liberals of hating it or looking down on Americans.

Apparently, the voters were "dumb" in 2004 but got "smart" in 2006 but should they elect McCain, they'll be "dumb" again.

Truth is, you could have run a dead cat against Kerry in 2004 and won, not that anyone could have told the difference. The man was uninspiring and dull as dirt, and had all the sincerity of a rattlesnake. He sounded exactly like every blowhard that came before him.

So if Bush is just a polished *turd*, what do you think of a candidate who runs against the turd - and LOSES? That the *voters* were wrong?

Check again.


New Member
Given your track record on predictions, I feel pretty confident.

Still, after 2004, nothing could surprise me when it comes to the American voters.

Took you long enough to learn. I found that out in 1992 when they elected Bubba.


New Member
And with such unbridled optimism about America, it's hard to believe anyone could accuse liberals of hating it or looking down on Americans.

Apparently, the voters were "dumb" in 2004 but got "smart" in 2006 but should they elect McCain, they'll be "dumb" again.

Truth is, you could have run a dead cat against Kerry in 2004 and won, not that anyone could have told the difference. The man was uninspiring and dull as dirt, and had all the sincerity of a rattlesnake. He sounded exactly like every blowhard that came before him.

So if Bush is just a polished *turd*, what do you think of a candidate who runs against the turd - and LOSES? That the *voters* were wrong?

Check again.

Wow...even I never called Bush a polished *turd*. That's a bit extreme.

My original statement still stands. After 2004, I will never consider any election to be "in the bag"...unless there's a complete implosion by one of the candidates, obviously.