McPOW's Monopoly Card


New Member
Daily Kos: FOUND: John McCain - Get out of Gaffe Free Card (UPDATED)

In honor of the fact that every time McCain screws up, the McCain campaign predictably deflects the gaffe by using the fact that he was a POW 40 years ago to silence any criticism...
this is the card that the McCain campaign quietly slips to the media to insure that it will not be covered:

Obama has played this card plenty of times too. His reason for having the card is racial and not gained from being a POW. Doesn't really matter , its the same card and Obama flips it out pretty quick, remember America doesnt have 57 states. I thnk Obama was thinking of Heinz 57 when he said that and was thinking about all his half brothers and sisters. Definitely a scattering of descendencies there, his father spread his drunken self pretty thin.


Habari Na Mijeldi
Obama has played this card plenty of times too. His reason for having the card is racial and not gained from being a POW. Doesn't really matter , its the same card and Obama flips it out pretty quick, remember America doesnt have 57 states. I thnk Obama was thinking of Heinz 57 when he said that and was thinking about all his half brothers and sisters. Definitely a scattering of descendencies there, his father spread his drunken self pretty thin.

Careful there now. Are you sure there's no horse thieves hidden in your lineage? :killingme


New Member
Careful there now. Are you sure there's no horse thieves hidden in your lineage? :killingme

LOL: Pretty sure.

Obama is a huge success story and proves what can be done when you get a child out from under the influence of an atheist socialist mother ,a drunken father who abandoned it, and place it in the custody of a typical white Grandmother .

Too bad he threw her under the bus.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
LOL: Pretty sure.

Obama is a huge success story and proves what can be done when you get a child out from under the influence of an atheist socialist mother ,a drunken father who abandoned it, and place it in the custody of a typical white Grandmother .

Too bad he threw her under the bus.

:killingme:killingme:killingme Now that was right on!