McSame Wrong Again!


Habari Na Mijeldi
The Associated Press: G7 countries condemn Russia's actions in Georgia

Two weeks ago, officials told The Associated Press that the group was weighing whether to effectively disband what is known as the Group of Eight, which is an association of the G-7 nations with Russia.
Speaking in Ukraine, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Wednesday that his country would have to review its relations with Russia "in all international institutions," but he rejected "knee-jerk calls for Russia to be expelled from the G-8, or for EU-Russia or NATO-Russia relations to be broken."


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Monday if elected he would push to exclude Russia from the Group of Eight conclave of major industrial nations to punish Moscow for rolling back political freedoms.

:lmao: "knee-jerk"!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The Associated Press: G7 countries condemn Russia's actions in Georgia

Two weeks ago, officials told The Associated Press that the group was weighing whether to effectively disband what is known as the Group of Eight, which is an association of the G-7 nations with Russia.
Speaking in Ukraine, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Wednesday that his country would have to review its relations with Russia "in all international institutions," but he rejected "knee-jerk calls for Russia to be expelled from the G-8, or for EU-Russia or NATO-Russia relations to be broken."


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Monday if elected he would push to exclude Russia from the Group of Eight conclave of major industrial nations to punish Moscow for rolling back political freedoms.

:lmao: "knee-jerk"!!!!!!!!!

I'm not even sure where to BEGIN with this one.

But Russia joined the G-7 10 years ago - and just about every year since, some group has recommded kicking them out, whether in London, Toronto, Washington, Tokyo, Paris and so forth.This past summer, the G-8 met and one of their items was to sanction Zimbabwe. Russia and China put a stop to it. When it comes to fulfilling their commitments, they often rank dead last. In the past few years, as Russia has acted against democracy within its borders, which is viewed as a violation of the group's charter.

So "knee-jerk" is just an insult. It's not as though groups the world over haven't been looking for reasons to expel them for YEARS. Secondly, there's no way in hell it was levelled at John McCain. He's just another voice in massive world-wide chorus of anger.

Secondly, knee-jerk or not, keeping them in the G-8 at least keeps them on a short leash. They want it; they want recognition. Expulsion is a punishment, but it's like trying to reform a kid by keeping him in detention, or kicking him out of school. Once he's out, you can't do anything to him.

Thirdly - our European friends have made capitulation into an art form. It doesn't matter if it's genocide in the Balkans, Soviet tanks in Prague or Nazi thugs in the Sudetenland. They don't do anything. The tanks have to roll right into Paris before they'll take up arms, and that's usually a few minutes before surrendering. You can bet that if Muslims decide they want to blow the hell out of Europe, they'll hold demonstrations in their honor.

Lastly - I'm more in FAVOR of what the Russians did in Georgia than against them. I think people mistrust Russia enough that when they take military action for a reasonable cause, everyone sees Soviet Union and communism again. What they are doing in Georgia is not hugely different from what WE did in the Balkans in the 90's, except that the situation is completely reversed.


Habari Na Mijeldi

but there is a difference between groups intimately involved in G8 issues questioning Russia's membership and a politician trying to score points. Why would a "maverick" want to continue with a policy which you say hasn't worked in the last ten years or so?


NOT Politically Correct!!
but there is a difference between groups intimately involved in G8 issues questioning Russia's membership and a politician trying to score points. Why would a "maverick" want to continue with a policy which you say hasn't worked in the last ten years or so?

Because it's been more than 10 years since Russia has invaded a country!!!


Well-Known Member
but there is a difference between groups intimately involved in G8 issues questioning Russia's membership and a politician trying to score points. Why would a "maverick" want to continue with a policy which you say hasn't worked in the last ten years or so?

He's for kicking them out. The last ten years has been keeping them in.

McCain ain't the only one that's been for kicking them out; lots of our otherwise sedate allies have expressed such a desire. So I don't see why it would be "scoring points" anymore than simply an expression of what he'd try to do. Otherwise, you could just as easily dismiss everything Obama says he'll do as "scoring points".

I don't see where your comment makes any sense at all. Kicking them out is what they HAVEN'T been doing.


Habari Na Mijeldi
He's for kicking them out. The last ten years has been keeping them in.

McCain ain't the only one that's been for kicking them out; lots of our otherwise sedate allies have expressed such a desire. So I don't see why it would be "scoring points" anymore than simply an expression of what he'd try to do. Otherwise, you could just as easily dismiss everything Obama says he'll do as "scoring points".

I don't see where your comment makes any sense at all. Kicking them out is what they HAVEN'T been doing.

They may have the "expressed such a desire" but I think they will ACT pragmatically.

Another article: The Washington Monthly

If McCain and his cohorts want to take steps to punish, or even isolate, Russia in the midst of its conflict with Georgia, they can certainly make a compelling case. But this G8 talk is foolish -- given how the G8 works, through consensus, Russia would have to approve its own removal. A senior Bush administration official recently conceded, "It's not even a theoretical discussion. It's an impossible discussion." The official described McCain's idea as "just a dumb thing."
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They may have the "expressed such a desire" but they will ACT pragmatically.

Quick question, off topic. Why did California "pass" during the roll call vote yesterday? Was it because out of their 441 votes a bunch of them wanted to vote Hillary and it would have put her ahead of Obama in delegate count if even so briefly?


New Member
Two weeks ago, officials told The Associated Press that the group was weighing whether to effectively disband what is known as the Group of Eight, which is an association of the G-7 nations with Russia.

So they would vote to disband the G-8 before they would kick out Russia, but kicking out Russia is knee-jerk???
