Meanwhile, back at the ranch...


Asperger's Poster Child

Protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka have announced plans to picket (funeral) services for U.S. Army Cpl. Peter D. Wagler...

"We're in this war in the providence of God, and he's using this as a mechanism to punish the sins of our nation," said Shirley Phelps-Roper, Phelps' daughter and a member of the Westboro church...

Westboro's stance - that American soldiers are dying because of America's acceptance of homosexuality - and tactics have drawn criticism from 15 different state legislatures, including Kansas', which are considering laws to limit protests at funerals.

Phelps-Roper said her church now holds the Mountain State in particular contempt after its members held such signs as "Thank God for Dead Miners" and "God Hates Your Tears" outside the West Virginia Wesleyan College chapel in Buckhannon, where the Sago service was held...

Composed largely of the extended family of founder Fred Phelps, the church says the state (of West Virginia) is being punished for tolerating homosexuality, abortion, adultery and the like.
These people are telling the families of dead soldiers and miners that their loved ones deserved to be punished by God. It's not comparable to radical Muslim clerics urging followers to kill and riot over a dumb cartoon, but it still irritates me.


This Space for Rent
These people have been around awhile. Its always the same group doing the same things. They try to start conflicts and then they sue. Its how they fund their "organization". We received en email about a year ago on base to watch out for them at military funerals if we attended. Their objective is to get a reaction, make news, and sue. Do a google search on them and see how many things they have pulled over the years.


New Member
That is horrible. When you put that kind of negative energy in the world, especially using God's name you better be ready for some serious consequences.