Meat ice cream


Lawful neutral
Scientists dish up meat icecream, spaghetti |

THE idea of ice cream made from meat might make a lot of people a little queasy, but scientists believe extracting more from meat could open up a whole new world of food.

Researchers in the Red Meat Combifoods program are looking at ways meat proteins can be separated and used in more foods.

The scientists have already made meat-based spaghetti, high-protein bread and thyme and ginger-flavoured ice cream, which "tasted pretty good", says AgResearch's Scott Knowles.

He describes it as "trying to get people to think outside the plate".

There are a number of reasons why such foods would be useful, he says.

Some people could not handle meat tissue and research showed toddlers could be at risk of not getting the right nutrition if they do not eat enough meat.

That might give mothers options for children who do not want to eat some food put on their plates.