Mechanicsville Moose Lodge


Well-Known Member

I'm curious to read responses...

My parents are members and they have a blast up there.
I've been thinking about joining...


All Up In Your Grill
keekee said:

I'm curious to read responses...

My parents are members and they have a blast up there.
I've been thinking about joining...

She has some questions...can you possibly help answer them for her?

I would if I could, but the only thing I do at the Moose is play ball. Sawry. :flowers:


Well-Known Member
Beelzebaby666 said:
Any Moose members hangin' out in here?? I have some questions...



I can try to answer your questions if you're not in a hurry. My parents are out of town right now, but when they return I can pass along your questions & get back to you.

What are your questions?


aka Mrs. Giant
keekee said:

I can try to answer your questions if you're not in a hurry. My parents are out of town right now, but when they return I can pass along your questions & get back to you.

What are your questions?
I don't think I ever checked them out before. But after clicking linkie they sound like a great organization. However how does one join?


Has confinement issues..
WEll I was told you had to be sponsored to become a member.. I want to join the mech lodge but the only guy I know form there is MIA... I used to have fun up there when I went with him and my girlfriend and I want to join.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
Who did that web site? It's horrible! My hubby is a member. They are a pretty close bunch up there and they're kinda funny about outsiders, which is strange because they are always begging for new members! They always want you to do something for nothing there and then fuss about the way you do it. It's just like any other club.


Has confinement issues..
I just can't find for sure if I need a member to sponsor me and my friend.

I think they are a good cause and I'd rahter go there than to a regular bar anyday.:biggrin:


Well-Known Member
I did some poking around a few months ago when I started considering joining. I know that there is an application that you fill out for membership. I'd say stop by there and ask for an application, & ask if you need a sponsor.


New Member
Yes, you have to be sponsered to become a member. You can just go up there and knock on the door, say you want to become a member and whoever happens to be sitting at the bar will jump at the chance to sponser you, they have a contest going on.....


Has confinement issues..
I am familiar with a few members but could only call one of them my firend....

I lost his number when my phone went stupid a while back.. I guess I could call his cousin..

As for being asked to do something for nothing.... Isn't a civic organization supposed to be composed of volunteers willing to volunteer to do things related to the cause they support??:shrug: I like what they do, plus it's a nice place to hang out.:dance:


Has confinement issues..
Jen said:
Yes, you have to be sponsered to become a member. You can just go up there and knock on the door, say you want to become a member and whoever happens to be sitting at the bar will jump at the chance to sponser you, they have a contest going on.....

:lmao: That's funny! It's like panhandling for friends...

One a related note, will they be subject to the :cool: ban after the first of the year?? As a private "club" I would think they'd be exempt... THat would totally be a bonus!!:yay:

:cool::cool::cool: like a fright train.


New Member
You're right.....they are exempt!!

Beelzebaby666 said:
:lmao: That's funny! It's like panhandling for friends...

One a related note, will they be subject to the :cool: ban after the first of the year?? As a private "club" I would think they'd be exempt... THat would totally be a bonus!!:yay:

:cool::cool::cool: like a fright train.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
Beelzebaby666 said:
As for being asked to do something for nothing.... Isn't a civic organization supposed to be composed of volunteers willing to volunteer to do things related to the cause they support??:shrug: I like what they do, plus it's a nice place to hang out.:dance:
Yea, I don't disagree with what they are doing, it just seems like it's always the same people doing all the work.


Has confinement issues..
That's because there are active members and members who are just going after the benefits of having a closed club with cheap booze:ohwell: