Media Bias

coffee man

New Member
Small example of Liberal Media Bias, who can figure out what I am pointing out?

ABC News website:
Bush (R) 58,472,247 254
Kerry (D) 54,950,766 242
Nader (I) 391,330 0
MSNBC website:
Candidate Vote % Electoral vote
Bush (R) 51% 269
Kerry (D) 48% 238
Nader (I) 0% 0
CNN Website:
Bush 58,484,635 51% 254
Kerry 54,961,159 48% 252
Nader 391,464 1% 0
Fox News Website:
CBS News Website:
John KERRY 54,951,471 242
George BUSH 58,474,257 254
Ralph NADER 391,369 0


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
coffee man said:
Small example of Liberal Media Bias, who can figure out what I am pointing out?
So you're saying that, if the liberal media reports accurate election returns, they're not really liberal?



coffee man said:
NOPE, try again.
CBS listed Kerry first, even though he should have been listed second. he would come second if you went Alphabetically with either name, second on Electors, second in raw vote and would be listed second since he is not the incumbant?


Pete said:
CBS listed Kerry first, even though he should have been listed second. he would come second if you went Alphabetically with either name, second on Electors, second in raw vote and would be listed second since he is not the incumbant?


coffee man

New Member
Pete said:
CBS listed Kerry first, even though he should have been listed second. he would come second if you went Alphabetically with either name, second on Electors, second in raw vote and would be listed second since he is not the incumbant?
DING DING DING. Give that man a kewpie doll! That is correct sir!

Just a small, subtle example of media bias.


I bowl overhand
THought Larry Kings head was going to explode last night.. FUNNY to watch. THought he was going to be able to sit in the studio and gloat over Kerry's win.. and all he could do was fumble around, mumble.. "we're losing the war, the economy is in a shambles" Friggin idiot..

coffee man

New Member
vraiblonde said:
Very very subtle.

I work with a bunch of Lib's. The biggest one of them couldn't stand to bring himself in to work today. He took off a half day yesterday to "monitor" the polling places. :roflmao: Can't WAIT to rub it in once it is officially official.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Just added ammo to show that CBS was the biggest Kerry supporter out there (see the fake NG memo stories...)(see the ammo dump stories....)