Media ‘Calling’ Elections in a Democracy Is Post-Modern Fascism


PREMO Member
It was like Pravda and Izvestia working together for what they assured the Soviet public was their own good.

Moments after that, horns were honking with joy and people dancing in the streets from Los Angeles to New York.

After all, the witch was dead. Which old witch? The orange witch! Ding-dong the wicked witch was dead!

Biden was our 46th president because the media declared it so.

Of course, this was nonsense. The election is still on-going, still undecided, and will be for several weeks of legal challenges, many of them justified.

What occurred at 11:45 was basically a media psy-op (psychological operation), designed to depress and silence the roughly seventy-one million who voted for Trump and rally the seventy-some million, if they indeed exist, who voted for Biden.

The truth is, in a democracy and/or a democratic republic …

No media organization has the right to “call” an election. Period.

It’s a Big Lie squared.



Well-Known Member
I suppose in actuality what happens is, a network says it is "calling" a state for a candidate, what it is REALLY saying is "it's our very strong opinion that this state is a done deal; we'll stake our reputation on it, actually".

But it is still the network's opinion. They even phrase it such "NBC/CBS/FOX has decided to call this state for...".

It sort of sounds official - and I think that's on purpose - but it IS actually meaningless.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I suppose in actuality what happens is, a network says it is "calling" a state for a candidate, what it is REALLY saying is "it's our very strong opinion that this state is a done deal; we'll stake our reputation on it, actually".

But it is still the network's opinion. They even phrase it such "NBC/CBS/FOX has decided to call this state for...".

It sort of sounds official - and I think that's on purpose - but it IS actually meaningless.

They're not talking to you and me, though; they're talking to people who think impeachment means removal from office and who think popular vote means anything. This same audience thinks that once the TV calls it, that's that.

It's like ABC suggesting Trump's refusal to concede at this point is a pearl-clutcher. You and I aren't the audience for that.


Well-Known Member
and who think popular vote means anything.

On another subject - I so wish this wasn't a thing. I mean, I get it - other countries - well some - total votes wins the executive of the nation.

So it needn't even be discussed. NO ONE EVER keeps a running total during the NBA/NHL/MLB of total points/goals/runs scored over the several games. People KNOW and get why the GAME is the point that matters. It don't mean sh!t that you ran up 20 runs in one game.