meds order


Does my butt look big?
meds order..update on Roger

Roger is dead comes out Wed am..she said to give him banamine X 2 day...and wrap his feet...I need more banamine making an order today anyone need anything? Bute banamine..regumate etc??
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New Member
Pasofever said:
Roger is dead comes out Wed am..she said to give him banamine X 2 day...and wrap his feet...I need more banamine making an order today anyone need anything? Bute banamine..regumate etc??

Paso, how is Roger doing?


New Member
Pasofever said:
Roger is dead comes out Wed am..she said to give him banamine X 2 day...and wrap his feet...I need more banamine making an order today anyone need anything? Bute banamine..regumate etc??

What Happened?


Does my butt look big?
Well he was really really sore..both front legs to the point he would swing out with his shoulder to move ...and move real real slow as in the other night to get him in his stall I had to whip his butt with the lead rope :frown: He stood out in the field would NOT come to the gait and just yelled and yelled at was so sad..

Short story...since last summer I have been fighting some thrush on him between the heel bulbs at the base of the the point you could sink your hoof pick in it..and it has been tender...

OK so last week we did a $50 cleantrax treatment on him..two bottles all 4 feet...after the cleaning his feet looked so clean and great...Then in 2 days his feet drid up so so hard his frog was like wood. He went dead lame..

I gave bute for a day or two and he was not better..called the vet..She told me to give him banamine 10cc Im 2 X day..along with bute 2 X day...soak his front feet in epsom salt warm water then use icamal (?) ointment and then wrap a diaper around his foot and duct tape it (that was a JOB) did that yesterday and today I took the wraps off..he was walking around the stall so I went ahead and put him out...flys were bothing him through his fly sheet (Yes Roger is a puzzy) so I went to get fly spray went to spray him and the sucker trotted away from me..the other day I had to whoop him to move...

I called the vet..she said do it all again today and tomorrow..and she canceled my appointment for tomorrow and I am to call her Thurs or Friday after he is off meds to see how he is doing...

We think..the cleantrax burnt him and they drid him to the point he could not walk without pain...He has popped no abcesses...he feels alot better *But he is still on banamine IM and bute 2 X day...

Thanks for asking...I will let you know how he is in a few days... :huggy: Paso..