Meet our next senator


Fighting like a girl
Van Susteren Joins Senate Race

"I am a citizen fed up with the way the country is headed," Van Susteren said in Baltimore at the first of two news conferences touting her Democratic candidacy. "While they may be well intentioned, I have lost my confidence that the professional politicians can turn things around. The U.S. Senate needs to be shaken up, and I am not afraid to do it."
During her speech, Van Susteren voiced staunch support for abortion rights, said the government "has no business telling adults who they can and cannot marry" and said she holds "a special contempt" for politicians who have blocked the expansion of embryonic stem cell research. She also called the Iraq war "a terrible mistake" and said she would work in Washington to reduce school class sizes.

and my favorite:
Van Susteren moved to Maryland from the District less than two years ago, and the skepticism with which some view her candidacy was underscored by a reporter's question. He asked her how many counties Maryland has. Van Susteren smiled and provided the correct answer: 23.

She can count on a primary vote here. Would this make maryland the first state with two women senators?