not impressed
Meet the men who spy on women through their webcams | Ars Technica
Even though I take every precaution I still have a piece of tape over the lens on my laptop's webcam.
Even though I take every precaution I still have a piece of tape over the lens on my laptop's webcam.
"See! That #### keeps popping up on my ####ing computer!" says a blond woman as she leans back on a couch, bottle-feeding a baby on her lap.
The woman is visible from thousands of miles away on a hacker's computer. The hacker has infected her machine with a remote administration tool (RAT) that gives him access to the woman's screen, to her webcam, to her files, to her microphone. He watches her and the baby through a small control window open on his Windows PC, then he decides to have a little fun. He enters a series of shock and pornographic websites and watches them appear on the woman's computer.
The woman is startled. "Did it scare you?" she asks someone off camera. A young man steps into the webcam frame. "Yes," he says. Both stare at the computer in horrified fascination. A picture of old naked men appears in their Web browser, then vanishes as a McAfee security product blocks a "dangerous site."