meet your meat


New Member
Why all the red karma? I'm not the one in the stupid movie. I love chickens and cows their cute, man, don't complain to me, complain to......I dont know Chick-fil-A.


Happy Camper
Couldn't bring myself to watch the entire video. How come it didn't/doesn't bother me to catch, cook, pick, and eat Blue Crabs or Croaker/Perch?


belvak said:
Couldn't bring myself to watch the entire video. How come it didn't/doesn't bother me to catch, cook, pick, and eat Blue Crabs or Croaker/Perch?

That seems a bit more natural than that video.


Bookseller Lady
meet your meat 08-23-2007 02:04 AM veg and vegan are always sickly though, you don't get the proper balanced diet, we are meant to eat meat, its part of life, go kosher, but veg and vegan are just stupid extremes.

All vegans/vegetarians are sickly eh?

My daughter has been raised veg since birth and is always the tallest kid in her class (now starting 5th grade). She almost never gets sick.

I myself have experienced dramatic improvement or elimination of various health problems since I stopped eating meat.

If this lifestyle left me weak and listless I would not have stuck with it for 12 years.

I'll be sure to post a pic of me with my finishers medal from the Marine Corps Marathon in October. :howdy:


We're all mad here.

vegmom said:
meet your meat 08-23-2007 02:04 AM veg and vegan are always sickly though, you don't get the proper balanced diet, we are meant to eat meat, its part of life, go kosher, but veg and vegan are just stupid extremes.

Ha, at least you're not a fruitarian! One of my vegetarian friends told me about these guys. Now THEY are extreme. Apparently you can't eat anything that is rooted in the ground because you're killing it, so you only eat fruit that falls from the trees.


vegmom said:
meet your meat 08-23-2007 02:04 AM veg and vegan are always sickly though, you don't get the proper balanced diet, we are meant to eat meat, its part of life, go kosher, but veg and vegan are just stupid extremes.

All vegans/vegetarians are sickly eh?

My daughter has been raised veg since birth and is always the tallest kid in her class (now starting 5th grade). She almost never gets sick.

I myself have experienced dramatic improvement or elimination of various health problems since I stopped eating meat.

If this lifestyle left me weak and listless I would not have stuck with it for 12 years.

I'll be sure to post a pic of me with my finishers medal from the Marine Corps Marathon in October. :howdy:

I've noticed a diference in my energy since I stopped eating meat. I have more now. My digestive system is working alot less now too! :lmao:


MMmmm MMmmmm good :yum:

Being raised on a farm, we did all dressed out own cattle and chickens, but not like they show there. :shrug:


Football Mom!!!
I gave up red meat a while back because it triggered headaches and stopped eating poultry a few weeks ago. I really don't think I can give up milk though. I can do without cheese, but milk. Man, that's a tough one.


Bookseller Lady
My going vegan was because of my asthma. The milk aggrevated it. Never ever ever thought I'd give up Ben and Jerry's! But luckily many brands of vegan chocolate are carried by local stores :D .


I bowl overhand
rack'm said:
MMmmm MMmmmm good :yum:

Being raised on a farm, we did all dressed out own cattle and chickens, but not like they show there. :shrug:
Of course.. propaganda from a well run butcher shop/farm wouldn't have the desired effect..