Melinda Gates Has No Clue How Catholicism Works. Nobody Does. Not Even Most Catholics.
In a recent interview with the BBC, Gates expressed "optimism" that the Catholic Church, which her charity regularly works with in the noble fight against poverty, would change its teaching on the issue of contraception, calling it “one of the greatest anti-poverty innovations the world has ever known.”
“I think what this Pope sees is that if we are going to lift people out of poverty, you have to do the right thing for women, and so we have agreed at this point to disagree,” she said, adding that though Pope Francis has not changed Church teaching "yet" (he never will), she is "optimistic" it will happen "over time."
Since Gates has painted the Catholic Church's teaching on contraception as some kind of back-handed patriarchal edict that sentences scores of helpless women to a lifetime of poverty by forcing them to have 15 children, a few clarifications must be made. First, the Church does not teach that Catholics must have countless children until menopause kicks in. Second, the Church teaches that in cases of poverty and other "serious conditions," people can use Natural Family Planning (NFP) to avoid pregnancy, and thanks to advancements in Napro technology and fertility monitors, NFP can be as easy as a click of a button, and it's 98% effective, and women don't have to pump themselves full of chemicals and turn the "freaking fish transgender."
Now onto Melinda Gates's broader hope that the Church under Pope Francis will change its teaching "over time," for example, "contraception is okay in some instances" one day and "okay in all instances" the next. Apply this to any other moral teaching (homosexuality, abortion) that progressives like Gates would like to see the Church "evolve" on (she works with Planned Parenthood regularly, BTW).
Well, not to dash her hopes, but no, and by no, I mean never, cannot happen, negatory, do not pass go. Better off hoping Hillary Clinton will be the first female POTUS. For Gates and others like her to say this, be they the media or defecting Catholics, proves they know absolutely nothing about Catholicism other than the Pope wears a funny hat and drives around in a Popemobile.
In a recent interview with the BBC, Gates expressed "optimism" that the Catholic Church, which her charity regularly works with in the noble fight against poverty, would change its teaching on the issue of contraception, calling it “one of the greatest anti-poverty innovations the world has ever known.”
“I think what this Pope sees is that if we are going to lift people out of poverty, you have to do the right thing for women, and so we have agreed at this point to disagree,” she said, adding that though Pope Francis has not changed Church teaching "yet" (he never will), she is "optimistic" it will happen "over time."
Since Gates has painted the Catholic Church's teaching on contraception as some kind of back-handed patriarchal edict that sentences scores of helpless women to a lifetime of poverty by forcing them to have 15 children, a few clarifications must be made. First, the Church does not teach that Catholics must have countless children until menopause kicks in. Second, the Church teaches that in cases of poverty and other "serious conditions," people can use Natural Family Planning (NFP) to avoid pregnancy, and thanks to advancements in Napro technology and fertility monitors, NFP can be as easy as a click of a button, and it's 98% effective, and women don't have to pump themselves full of chemicals and turn the "freaking fish transgender."
Now onto Melinda Gates's broader hope that the Church under Pope Francis will change its teaching "over time," for example, "contraception is okay in some instances" one day and "okay in all instances" the next. Apply this to any other moral teaching (homosexuality, abortion) that progressives like Gates would like to see the Church "evolve" on (she works with Planned Parenthood regularly, BTW).
Well, not to dash her hopes, but no, and by no, I mean never, cannot happen, negatory, do not pass go. Better off hoping Hillary Clinton will be the first female POTUS. For Gates and others like her to say this, be they the media or defecting Catholics, proves they know absolutely nothing about Catholicism other than the Pope wears a funny hat and drives around in a Popemobile.