Memo to Parents - Stop coddling your kids

Amen :cheers:

Parents who want to pretend their kids never lose at anything are raising a generation of kids who don’t know what it takes to win. And that is stealing their best from them and stealing the best future from all of us.

Memo To Parents -- Stop Coddling Your Kids | Fox News

Rewarding mediocrity—or worse—can deprive children of striving to be their best.

It can condition them to expect praise even when their work is average or less-than-average.

It can deprive them of the opportunity to learn—when the stakes are relatively low—that they can survive losses and come back next week or next season or by choosing a different field to compete on, altogether.

It can steal from them the opportunity to find the best in themselves—for real.

It can give them the clear message that they are frail of spirit and dependent on fiction to sustain false self-esteem.


Well-Known Member
Mini me wanted me to play a game with her last night, so I explained that she can't always win. There has to be a loser. I didn't want to hear any crying, if she lost. She preceeded to whip my a$$ and coddle me the rest of the night. That hurt my feelings losing to a just turned 6 year old :bawl:


I am so very blessed
Mini me wanted me to play a game with her last night, so I explained that she can't always win. There has to be a loser. I didn't want to hear any crying, if she lost. She preceeded to whip my a$$ and coddle me the rest of the night. That hurt my feelings losing to a just turned 6 year old :bawl:
Sadly, I know just how you feel. :bawl:


Dream Stealer
these are the kids who hit college and freak the hell out and have to visit the therapist every week and medicate because they find out they aren't as amazing as their mommy always told them they were.

or who take 6 years to get a BA because everytime they hit a hard class they freak and drop it or change their major. Their parents never made them stick with anything, so they drop it the minute it gets hard. It's sad.


Well-Known Member
these are the kids who hit college and freak the hell out and have to visit the therapist every week and medicate because they find out they aren't as amazing as their mommy always told them they were.

or who take 6 years to get a BA because everytime they hit a hard class they freak and drop it or change their major. Their parents never made them stick with anything, so they drop it the minute it gets hard. It's sad.

Need a hug? :huggy:


Yae warsh wif' wutr
Mini me wanted me to play a game with her last night, so I explained that she can't always win. There has to be a loser. I didn't want to hear any crying, if she lost. She preceeded to whip my a$$ and coddle me the rest of the night. That hurt my feelings losing to a just turned 6 year old :bawl:

:killingme I the only one laughing at this?.....

Sweet 16

Amen :cheers:

Parents who want to pretend their kids never lose at anything are raising a generation of kids who don’t know what it takes to win. And that is stealing their best from them and stealing the best future from all of us.

Memo To Parents -- Stop Coddling Your Kids | Fox News

Rewarding mediocrity—or worse—can deprive children of striving to be their best.

It can condition them to expect praise even when their work is average or less-than-average.

It can deprive them of the opportunity to learn—when the stakes are relatively low—that they can survive losses and come back next week or next season or by choosing a different field to compete on, altogether.

It can steal from them the opportunity to find the best in themselves—for real.

It can give them the clear message that they are frail of spirit and dependent on fiction to sustain false self-esteem.

Not only this, but it is denying them the coping skills necessary to deal with adversity and life's crises. I think it's why so many kids resort to violence or suicide when bullied or go running home to mommy and daddy in their 20's because they can't hold down a job. How we choose to handle adversity is what builds our character. When you take away all adversity as we are developing (i.e. by making everyone a "winner"), we never have the chance to experience it and learn to deal with and overcome it. Sad.