High EGT
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So often we get caught up in our hetic lives trying to beat traffic and making weekend plans that it is easy to overlook the true meaning for this Holiday. So please take a few minutes of your day and offer a silent prayer for our men in women in harms way and for those that have already made the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of our Nations freedom throughout history. And please take time to instill the meaning of Memorial Day to your children so they in turn will understand the sacrifices there fellow Americans have made to preserve our way of life and freedoms we enjoy.
God Bless the Troops
I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
-Nathan Hale, Executed as a spy by the British. Last words spoken as a reply to Provost-Major William Cunningham when asked to make his dying “speech and confession.” Cunningham, a disgrace to the British army, was later hanged in England, September 22, 1776

God Bless the Troops
I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
-Nathan Hale, Executed as a spy by the British. Last words spoken as a reply to Provost-Major William Cunningham when asked to make his dying “speech and confession.” Cunningham, a disgrace to the British army, was later hanged in England, September 22, 1776