Bustem' Down
Give Peas a Chance
So I read that some, I won't say all cause That wouldn't be accurate, of the Democrats are calling for an inquery on Bush due to these latest memos to come out. I personally am not sure of the validity of them, but I say that there should be an inquery. I say that because it's the only way for closure. Have it done and then when nothing comes up, it's over and done with. If there isn't an inquery you'll have to listen to the opposition through the next election. I think they are heathy to the government and not demeaning at all as some people will try and point out. Me personally, I couldn't care for the reason for invasion. Bush could have come out and said "Hey, I don't like this Saddam guys and they have a butt load of oil, let's go get them." and I would have gone over there and done my job with just as much zeal as I did for the reasons given, it makes no difference to me.