Men are pigs


Well-Known Member
I know couples that started skeevy and ended up being married forever. One friend of mine was like 15 and her boyfriend was in his mid-20s when they started dating. They've been married for 45+- years.
The sluttiest girl I went to school with went to the senior prom when she was in 8th grade, she has been married to the guy for 25 years now and has three kids with him.


Well-Known Member
I like biguns.......



Resident PIA
The dude's dating creep factor was half your age plus 7. Anything under that was getting creepy. I never heard if they have the same thing for women.

18 year old - 9 + 7 = 16
30 year old - 15 + 7 = 22
50 year old - 25 + 7 = 32

Here are the standards from some of the world's most powerful men.
Jeffery Epstein said:
Old enough to pee, old enough for me.

Bill Clinton said:
Grass on the infield, play ball.

Harvey Weinstein said:

Oh, well Joe Biden probably forgot his motto.