Menieres Disease


Well-Known Member
anyone have it or know someone with it? I'm taking my mother to Baltimore tomorrow morning for the tilt test. Wondering if anyone has had this done. I'm worried about the vertigo and how I'm gonna get her home if she's sick after the test. :ohwell: I'm hoping we can find out some answers after having this done. If I find out she does have this, there will be hell to pay for one local ENT doc, a local audiologist and a neurologist. :burning:
anyone have it or know someone with it? I'm taking my mother to Baltimore tomorrow morning for the tilt test. Wondering if anyone has had this done. I'm worried about the vertigo and how I'm gonna get her home if she's sick after the test. :ohwell: I'm hoping we can find out some answers after having this done. If I find out she does have this, there will be hell to pay for one local ENT doc, a local audiologist and a neurologist. :burning:
I suffer from Benign Positional Vertigo as so several others that post on the forums. Take a bucket with you as the tilt test will most likely leave her very ill...:dead:

Why would you get upset with the local docs if you get a diagnosis of Menieres...:confused: It's not an easy diagnosis to make. It's not like it shows up in a cat scan or in bloodwork...right... :confused:


Well-Known Member
I suffer from Benign Positional Vertigo as so several others that post on the forums. Take a bucket with you as the tilt test will most likely leave her very ill...:dead:

Why would you get upset with the local docs if you get a diagnosis of Menieres...:confused: It's not an easy diagnosis to make. It's not like it shows up in a cat scan or in bloodwork...right... :confused:

because I've been taking her back in forth to the local doctor's for a year and a half. They tried selling her six thousand dollar hearing aids (that didn't work or solve the problem). Out of the blue, her hearing returned. Two months later, she lost it again, and still experiencing extreme vertigo. Either you have a hearing problem or you don't, maybe they should try to figure out what the problem is instead of trying to put a bandaid on the problem. I've said from day one that I don't think it's her hearing, she has an inner ear problem and suggested possibly Mineires. I finally took her to Baltimore to a specialist. First words outta his mouth, "I think she has an inner ear problem, we need to test her immediately for Mineires Disease". :faint:

BTW, how do they treat your vertigo and are you being followed up by your GP doc or a specialist?
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because I've been taking her back in forth to the local doctor's for a year and a half. They tried selling her six thousand dollar hearing aids (that didn't work or solve the problem). Out of the blue, her hearing returned. Two months later, she lost it again, and still experiencing extreme vertigo. Either you have a hearing problem or you don't, maybe they should try to figure out what the problem is instead of trying to put a bandaid on the problem. I've said from day one that I don't think it's her hearing, she has an inner ear problem and suggested possibly Mineires. I finally took her to Baltimore to a specialist. First words outta his mouth, "I think she has an inner ear problem, we need to test her immediately for Mineires Disease". :faint:
Gotcha... I'd be pizzed too! :yay:

Take some Antivert with you so you can pop it in her just as soon as the test is over. If you don't have an prescription Antivert, you can use OTC Dramaminne(sp?)... the motion sickness med... it has the same active ingredient. Don't waste your time on the "non-drowsy" forumula. I find the potent original formula helps best. It will knock her out tho... so bring a pillow you can use to prop up her head.
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New Member
Both me and my grandmother have it. My rt ear rings always. I have pitch problems. When I had my hearing test, I could hear different pitches and not hear some, no rhyme or reason. I get dizzy spells and flashes of lightening in my rt eye. Psuedafed helps me when I take it right away. My grandmother has to lay down for days taking valium. It is a terrible thing to have because you can not see it on an MRI, CT scan, etc. It just has to meet different protocols to make the diagnosis.