

New Member
So if this ShamWow is so spectacular how come they don't use it in feminine products yet? :tap:


Stop Staring!!!!!
So if this ShamWow is so spectacular how come they don't use it in feminine products yet? :tap:

Because the dude with the screwed up hair refuses to wring it out to demonstrate on TV.
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Having Fun!
Actually, we moved away from this kind of thing ages ago -- think about where the expression "on the rag" originated.

...and this thread is just gross....:barf::shocked: :shocking: :twitch:


New Member
Honestly being serious. the idea of using the same soaker upper material that is in the shamwow in a pad would be a decent idea. I don't know if the chemicals would be ok for internal usage. i wouldn't ring out or recycle that is just gross. But imagine you might feel more comfortable and not self consious about leakage. (sorry if I might offend or gross anyone out)

As someone who suffers from endometriosis maybe I just appreciate a well absorbant product.