Mental Illness Thread - LibProg style


Well-Known Member
This is in no way, shape or form any slam against anyone who struggles with any sort of mental illness. I've battled with depression all of my life, and it's mild compared to friends and relatives.

This is more of a modern science tred, as redefined by leftists - you know, those big believers in science (but only when it's convenient and supports The Narrative (c)). Inspired by a quote from a poster over at Ace of Spades HQ this morning:
Now Im told that we can choose genders. I am also simultaneously told that gays are born the way they are an thats the end of that.

The irony is that Christians, particularly evangelicals and/or fundamentalists have long been accused of being anti-science, or at least of playing fast and loose with scientific inquiry and method by the very same people who have turned the Demonrat party into a baby-killing cult (among other things).


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    genders and mental disorders.jpg
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Well-Known Member
There are rare cases of people born with the organs of both genders.
Otherwise you is what you is.
2 genders.
Everything else is BS.