

* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
We all were at a chinese restaurant tonight sitting near the door. About halfway through our meal this slender oriental looking gal walks in the door and she's asking if they prepare vegetarian meals. She asked the same question quite a few times before she finally blurted out, "I mean I don't want cat in it!" :shocked: Me and my son almost died laughing. :lol: Then I couldn't help myself and made a few kitty noises about the same time my husband got back to the table. We always kid each other about the food anyway :biggrin: so my son told him what the girl said. A little while later a chinese dude walks out of the kitchen and up towards the front of the restaurant and I said, "Look at those scratches all over his arms!" :lmao: Just about that time my daughter gets up and excuses herself to go to the ladies room, I think she was going to be sick. :roflmao:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Actually the food was pretty good. :yum: I was only kidding about the scratches part. :wink: Maybe that gal knew something we didn't. :lol:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Well... So long as I don't encounter any fur in my food I don't ever worry about it. It's a good running joke though.

And if I've been served "kitten chow mein" a few times all I can say is "Less filling... Tastes great!" :biggrin:


The other white meat!!!! :biggrin:

There is a restaurant in New Market Maryland that used to have different large dogs behind it all the time. The dogs would change about every two weeks, but the food was really good.

:yay: :yay:


My Sweetest Boy
Dunkirk Chinese Restaurant

It was in the local papers a few years back about the Chineses/Szechuan Restaurant in Dunkirk had animals in the closed very soon after that. :barf:


Re: Dunkirk Chinese Restaurant

Originally posted by cattitude
It was in the local papers a few years back about the Chineses/Szechuan Restaurant in Dunkirk had animals in the closed very soon after that. :barf:

So much for authentic Chinese cuisine. :lmao:


Re: Re: Re: Dunkirk Chinese Restaurant

Originally posted by Kyle

Told ya Szechuan was good! :lmao:

It tasted even better after I got the Hartz collar out.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Dunkirk Chinese Restaurant

Originally posted by justhangn

It tasted even better after I got the Hartz collar out.


That must have been the toy/prize in the Happy meal!


Cleopatra Jones
My brother is very good friends w/ the owners of a VERY popular Chinese place in Waldorf. I don't know the validity of this but he told me that they do occasionally keep cats in the freezer for personal use. They don't feed them to the public because it isn't really cost effective. The time it takes to catch them, kill them, skin and clean them ends up costing them more then purchasing ready-to-cook chicken.


New Member
I still can't get over the fact of anyone eating a cat. I know it suppose to taste like chicken, but why in the world would you want to try. I guess thats why I stay with the american side of the menu.


Originally posted by FIREMAN
I still can't get over the fact of anyone eating a cat. I know it suppose to taste like chicken, but why in the world would you want to try. I guess thats why I stay with the american side of the menu.

How do you know that chicken doesn't taste like cat?? :lmao:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by FIREMAN
I still can't get over the fact of anyone eating a cat. I know it suppose to taste like chicken, but why in the world would you want to try. I guess thats why I stay with the american side of the menu.

Are you back yet? I miss you! :smooch:


Originally posted by BchBns

would that be great view? ... on the corner near Rt. 6 and the library? if so, i'm gonna :barf: I loved their orange beef ... didn't realize 'ol sparky was part of the deal :barf:

It's called "Good View" btw, and yes, that's the place. Henry is the guy that owns the joint, the lives right next door.

I'm not saying that I have seen then whack the dogs and cook them, but it was by observation for YEARS that the dogs kept changing on a regular basis.

If you can get past the thought of munching on fido, the food is great.


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl

Are you back yet? I miss you! :smooch:

Not yet, just deside to high jack this others guys computer and do a little chatting. Just stopping in and say hi to you and everyone else!


Originally posted by BchBns

too late ... I have had a queasy stomach since 2:30 a.m. ... now I'm gonna definately :barf:

Sorry girlie!! Make that run down the A corridor and don't miss the head! LOL


Asperger's Poster Child
Well, if we in America didn't grow up with the idea of cats and dogs as pets, we might be eating them too! Look at India--they must think we're barbarians for eating cows. I've known people who have had pet pigs, and when the pigs died of natural causes they became ham.

Weird scene at a midnight movie in college: The opener was a Daffy Duck cartoon. He takes a roasted turkey from Porky Pig and begins eating it. Several rows behind me, guys start shouting "Cannibal!" at the screen.