Merriam-Webster Suddenly Alters Definition Of ‘Preference’ After Dems Attack Coney Barrett


PREMO Member
Suddenly, after Judge Amy Coney Barrett used the term “sexual preference” in her confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court on Tuesday and Democrats slammed her for using the term, the Merriam-Webster dictionary declared the term “preference” could be “offensive.”

Pink News noted that the dictionary updated its definition with an addendum stating, “The term preference as used to refer to sexual orientation is widely considered offensive in its implied suggestion that a person can choose who they are sexually or romantically attracted to.”

Steve Krakauer, the executive producer of Megyn Kelly’s podcast, noted, “As recently as last month, Webster’s Dictionary included a definition of ‘preference’ as ‘orientation’ or ‘sexual preference.’ TODAY they changed it and added the word “offensive.”



Well-Known Member
Tell me if I understand this correctly.

ACB said something about the sexual preferences of sick perverts, and the perverts found it offensive that she didn't say they were born queer or born with a dick when they wanted a vagina/and vice versa for the sick girls who wanted a crank.

Have I got that right.?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Remember when the internet was a great idea and supposed to bring us all together? Then BIG BROTHER had to take it over and ruin it.
  • Haha
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“The term preference as used to refer to sexual orientation is widely considered offensive in its implied suggestion that a person can choose who they are sexually or romantically attracted to.”

I don't think it's "widely" considered offensive, because I never heard of anyone, on earth, ever, who was offended by its use, and I've never heard it suggested that the term was offensive. By anyone. On Earth. Ever.

And "preference" does not imply choice.

I prefer pizza to asparagus. I never chose that.
I prefer brunettes over blondes. I never chose that.
I prefer blue to red. I never chose that. (I am talking about the actual colors blue and red. Not secret dog-whistley codes for cops and Native Americans)

The term "orientation" may be more accurate than preference, the same way that "dissociative identity disorder" may be more accurate than "split personality" - that doesn't make it offensive.

These people are really reaching because they got NOTHING.