Merry Christmas Everyone.....


New Member
sap ahead

Merry Christmas, I'm sure it's already been said, but I wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas. I know everyone gets wrapped up in the moment of gift giving and recieving, but try and remember the reason for the season and be thankful for the health of close friends and family and all the REALLY important things that matter. :huggy:

(now, back to the usual eye-gouging, flaming, mud-slingin, and :gossip:) :wink:


Duck Molester
Originally posted by IM4Change
Hey BD :howdy:, you've me MIA for awhile.
Yea, the last few weeks have been crazy crazy for me. I had a death in the family last week so it was very hectic getting all the arrangements made. Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon...


Originally posted by BullDawg
Yea, the last few weeks have been crazy crazy for me. I had a death in the family last week so it was very hectic getting all the arrangements made. Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon...

Sorry for your loss.
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New Member
Originally posted by BullDawg
Yea, the last few weeks have been crazy crazy for me. I had a death in the family last week so it was very hectic getting all the arrangements made. Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon...

That was some bad timimg... so sorry about your loss BD. I hopefully all will be well soon, as you say :wink:


New Member
Re: Re: sap ahead

Originally posted by kwillia
Admit it... you stole that from one of the Xmas cards before you tossed them...:duh:

Believe it or not, it was from the heart. Just be a pal and don't let anyone know that depp down I'm a senstive, sappy M-Fer.

TIA :wink:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by BullDawg
Yea, the last few weeks have been crazy crazy for me. I had a death in the family last week so it was very hectic getting all the arrangements made. Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon...
My condolences BD...


New Member
Originally posted by BullDawg
Thanks guys... Nice AV Tater
YW and thanks. I'm thinking about going back to my very first Av, but I've formatted my puter a few times since so it's not saved anymore and need to locate another one :bawl:. It was a jacka$$, and for some reason, it just fit. :confused:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Merry Christmas all. I'm offline now for the rest of the day (I think)

Like I said before in the Venison thread, I'll be here if anyone needs/wants to stop by. Plus Huntr expects to be here about 1. We have a couple more presents to wrap and I need to put the finishing touches on my cheesecake and a little other cooking.

Best wishes everyone. :biggrin: