CSM Message from CSM President Murphy on Recent Tragedies

Dear Friends,

This weekend has been filled with tragedy resulting from gun violence: In El Paso, in Dayton, and in our own Charles County. We are heartsick over so many senseless deaths, and we grieve as a community.

These actions are the antithesis of what we stand for as a college, and our role has never been more important. Our actions speak loudly and must reflect our values: Diversity, Excellence, Innovation, Integrity, Knowledge, Respect, and Teamwork.

In a few weeks, thousands of students will arrive on our campuses in the hope of making their lives — and the world — a better place. And we must lead by example.

Let’s not just teach our students the knowledge and skills they need for their degrees and certificates, but let’s teach them how to understand differing perspectives, how to solve problems through accepting others and reaching compromises, and to be strong of heart and of mind.

In this chaotic world, we must be a calm, supportive, and safe place. Join me in this work. It’s important.

Maureen Murphy, Ph.D.
College of Southern Maryland