Metrocast now Comcast?


New Member
I just got a bill from Comcast...I cable provider has always been Metrocast. Anyone else had this experience?


How you like me now?
I got a call from Comcast and they said metrocast sold some of the lines down here and mine was one of them.

Metrocast told me that it was true. I do not about know about you but I am so glad. Comcast had a lot more to offer.


Nicole_in_somd said:
I got a call from Comcast and they said metrocast sold some of the lines down here and mine was one of them.

Metrocast told me that it was true. I do not about know about you but I am so glad. Comcast had a lot more to offer.

As long as you don't mind the frequent price increases, you will like Comcast. They may not have increased your bill with the switch, but they will...... :elaine: