"Mexico does not end at its borders. ... Where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico."





Mexico is here

Posted: September 6, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

"Mexico does not end at its borders. ... Where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico."

That astonishing claim by Mexican President Felipe Calderon, in his state of the nation address at the National Palace Sunday, brought his audience wildly cheering to its feet.

Were the United States a serious nation, Calderon's claim that Mexico extends into the United States would have produced an instant demand from the U.S. ambassador for clarification. Failing to receive it, he would have packed his bags, and the United States would be on the verge of severing diplomatic relations.

In an earlier time, U.S. troops would be rolling to the border.

For this is not the first time an arrogant Mexican ruler has made a claim to extra-territorial rights inside the United States and, indeed, to U.S. territory. Mexico's presidents have gotten into a habit of suborning treason against the United States.

In 1995, President Ernesto Zedillo told a Dallas audience of U.S. citizens of Mexican descent, "You are Mexicans, Mexicans who live north of the border" – i.e., you owe loyalty to Mexico, not Uncle Sam.

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New Member
The attack from within. Urge your children to take Spanish in High School. They are going to need it.


Has confinement issues..
My aunt said that a van load of Mexicans has been seen stopping at bustops in the morning on Flat Iron Road. WHite van, about 6 guys in it. Nothing has happened, yet.

The Mexican guys who lived across from my old roomate raped a mentally handicapped girl.

When I worked at Canopy, a Mexican guy chased me around the store one night, making gestures and speaking to me in a very weird way.(no habla)

I have seen them drive up my street by the carload, looking for a cheap place to live. Like rats.

We've been invaded and no one gives a rat's patoot becuase they work cheap and they aren't all up in the upscale hoods.

WHen will it reach your neigborhood?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't really care to see xenophobia against Hispanics. White homegrown guys rape and make nuisances of themselves, too, so let's don't get too carried away about Mexicans.

With that said, I don't understand why our immigration laws aren't enforced. Are we really so desperate for low-level workers that we'll just overlook the law? Another thing is that this has been going on ever since I can remember, but now for some reason it's a hot topic and something MUST be done immediately. I don't get it. How is it different now than it was 20 or 30 years ago?

Patch Tuesday

Really now?

vraiblonde said:
I don't really care to see xenophobia against Hispanics. White homegrown guys rape and make nuisances of themselves, too, so let's don't get too carried away about Mexicans.

With that said, I don't understand why our immigration laws aren't enforced. Are we really so desperate for low-level workers that we'll just overlook the law? Another thing is that this has been going on ever since I can remember, but now for some reason it's a hot topic and something MUST be done immediately. I don't get it. How is it different now than it was 20 or 30 years ago?

If you really believe the numbers are the same as they were 20-30 years ago, then you've been living under a rock...

Here's a refresher course:


Patch Tuesday

PEW Hispanic Center

vraiblonde said:
I don't really care to see xenophobia against Hispanics. White homegrown guys rape and make nuisances of themselves, too, so let's don't get too carried away about Mexicans.

With that said, I don't understand why our immigration laws aren't enforced. Are we really so desperate for low-level workers that we'll just overlook the law? Another thing is that this has been going on ever since I can remember, but now for some reason it's a hot topic and something MUST be done immediately. I don't get it. How is it different now than it was 20 or 30 years ago?

Have you done more reseach than these folks?

"Analysis of the March 2005 Current Population Survey shows that there were 11.1 million unauthorized migrants in the United States a year ago. Based on analysis of other data sources that offer indications of the pace of growth in the foreign-born population, the Center developed an estimate of 11.5 to 12 million for the unauthorized population as of March 2006."

"In the March 2005 estimate two-thirds (66%) of the unauthorized population had been in the country for ten years or less, and the largest share, 40% of the total or 4.4 million people had been in the country five years or less. There were 5.4 million adult males in the unauthorized population in 2005, accounting for 49% of the total. There were 3.9 million adult females accounting for 35% of the population. There were 1.8 million children who were unauthorized, 16% of the total. In addition, there were 3.1 million children who are U.S. citizens by birth living in families in which the head of the family or a spouse was unauthorized.
About 7.2 million unauthorized migrants were employed in March 2005, accounting for about 4.9% of the civilian labor force. They made up a large share of all workers in a few more detailed occupational categories, including 24% of all workers employed in farming occupations, 17% in cleaning, 14% in construction and 12% in food preparation."



Patch Tuesday said:

did they wake up one day and forget Spain conquered the land 1st.

40,000 yrs my ass ..........

The colonial period

Main article: Colonial Mexico

The Spanish defeat of the Mexica in 1521 marked the beginning of the 300 year-long colonial period of Mexico as New Spain. After the fall of Tenochtitlan, it would take decades of sporadic warfare to pacify the rest of Mesoamerica. Particularly fierce were the "Chichimeca wars" in the north of Mexico (1576-1606).

The Council of Indies and the Mendecant establishments that arose in Mesoamerica as early as 1524 labored to generate capital for the broken crown of Spain and convert the Indian populations to Catholicism. Over the period of conquest (1519-c1600s) and the following Colonial periods the sponsorship of Mendecant friars and a process of religious syncretism combined the pre-Hispanic cultures with Spanish socio-religious tradition. The resulting hodgepodge of culture was a pluriethnic State that relied on the repartimiento of peseant "Republic of Indians" labor to accomplish any work considered necessary. The existing feudal system of pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican culture was replaced by the encomienda feudal-style system of Spain, probably adapted to the pre-Hispanic tradition. It was finally replaced by a debt-based inscription of labor that led to wide-spread revitalization movements and prompted the revolution that ended the colonial state of New Spain.

During the colonial period, which lasted from 1521 to 1810, Mexico was known as "Nueva España" or "New Spain" (as aforementioned), whose claimed territories included today's Mexico, the Spanish Caribbean islands, Central America as far south as Costa Rica, an area comprising today's southwestern United States, and the Philippine Islands. Spaniards claimed all lands they walked across and all the land drained by the rivers they saw. They did not conquer or develop any territories that did not have an Indian population to catechize and provide a sufficient labor source. They walked over a good part of North America looking for treasures and subsequently claimed the land as was their practice. Finding no treasures or sedentary Indian tribes they could catechize and assimilate, they returned to their ranchos and haciendas in Mexico and stayed there. The result was a lot of maps. The Indians who lived there were mostly ignored or inscribed into labor.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Patch Tuesday said:
If you really believe the numbers are the same as they were 20-30 years ago, then you've been living under a rock...
I didn't say I thought the numbers were anything. I asked a question.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

vraiblonde said:
Another thing is that this has been going on ever since I can remember, but now for some reason it's a hot topic and something MUST be done immediately. I don't get it. How is it different now than it was 20 or 30 years ago?
:popcorn: It is because of the paranioa or excess fear from the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

Now the fear is that new terrorist might come accross the immaginary border and so that is what changed.

It is an immediate problem because the fear has no release - no safety.

There needs to be a peace deal so the population can relax.

And the greater truth is that the Latino migrants would never let a terorist go through their lines to harm the golden goose. :jameo:


Methodically disorganized
JPC sr said:
a peace deal
You mean amnesty. And let 'em keep coming as much as they want. No thanks.

You are willing to lay down and surrender in a situation such as this... but when it comes to something you should surrender to (e.g., child support), then you get upset. Your perspective could not be more backwards.

JPC sr said:
And the greater truth is that the Latino migrants would never let a terorist go through their lines to harm the golden goose.
Then why are there so many drug couriers bringing stuff into the U.S.? And why do so many illegals commit 'real' crimes once they're here - you know, murder, rape, assault, etc. - if they want to be accepted so greatly?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

hvp05 said:
You mean amnesty. And let 'em keep coming as much as they want. No thanks.
:popcorn: I was refering to a peace deal with the terrorist is the way to settle down the American fear.

There is no peace deal possible with the migrant workers except for Americans to stop hurting them.
hvp05 said:
You are willing to lay down and surrender in a situation such as this... but when it comes to something you should surrender to (e.g., child support), then you get upset. Your perspective could not be more backwards.
:coffee: Dealings of peace and justice are far from surendering.
hvp05 said:
Then why are there so many drug couriers bringing stuff into the U.S.?
:coffee: Americans bring the drugs into America and that is why the business is still booming.

The laws against migrant workers have nothing to do with illegal drugs.

The drugs do not come walking across the desert or the Rio Grand, the drugs come in first class shipments.
hvp05 said:
And why do so many illegals commit 'real' crimes once they're here - you know, murder, rape, assault, etc. - if they want to be accepted so greatly?
:popcorn: They are only human and all humans commit crimes.

The migrants do not have any greater crime rate then white America has.

That is when we take out the so-called and inhuman crime of being an illegal person which is absurd. :jameo:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:popcorn: I was refering to a peace deal with the terrorist is the way to settle down the American fear.

Did this numbnutz JPC just say a peace deal with the terriorist? I swear that alone should get his account on here blocked.

Ok you moron, how do you propose we negotiate a deal with the terriorist? Oh never mind, I can't imagine what words will spew from your keyboard.


Methodically disorganized
JPC sr said:
They are only human and all humans commit crimes.
All? Have you personally studied all humans?
JPC sr said:
The migrants do not have any greater crime rate then white America has.
That may be true; however, the obvious flaw is that the illegals should not have any crime rate, because they should not be here.

budman473 said:
Did this numbnutz JPC just say a peace deal with the terriorist? I swear that alone should get his account on here blocked.
He just made his intent excruciatingly clear in his new Osama thread. I've dissected many of his 'arguments', and that one stuns even me. All I can say is his mental sickness knows no bounds.


How you like me now?
Beelzebaby666 said:
My aunt said that a van load of Mexicans has been seen stopping at bustops in the morning on Flat Iron Road. WHite van, about 6 guys in it. Nothing has happened, yet.

The Mexican guys who lived across from my old roomate raped a mentally handicapped girl.

When I worked at Canopy, a Mexican guy chased me around the store one night, making gestures and speaking to me in a very weird way.(no habla)

I have seen them drive up my street by the carload, looking for a cheap place to live. Like rats.

We've been invaded and no one gives a rat's patoot becuase they work cheap and they aren't all up in the upscale hoods.

WHen will it reach your neigborhood?

One call to Immigration????


Well-Known Member
JPC sr said:
There is no peace deal possible with the migrant workers except for Americans to stop hurting them.
If we hurt them, why do they come here?
The migrants do not have any greater crime rate then white America has.
This means nothing with no link to prove your statistics. It's just more of your racist attacks against honest, working, responsible people.


JPC sr said:
Now the fear is that new terrorist might come across the imaginary border and so that is what changed.

This is nothing Imaginary about the Border between Mexico and the US, or the US and Canada ........

I know your all for the greater North American Union :smack:
