Mexico Promises to Block Border Wall Plan


Super Genius
Mexico Promises to Block Border Wall Plan
The Mexican government, angered by a U.S. proposal to extend a wall along the border to keep out migrants, pledged Tuesday to block the plan...
:dork: You don't get a vote on what WE do in OUR country.
"Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall," Derbez said.
Tell it to your Congressperson...woops! YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!
Fernando Robledo, 42, of the western state of Zacatecas, says the proposals could stem migration and disrupt families by breaking cross- border ties.
:dork: That's the idea. Let's hope you're right.

Bottom line: If you want to be in this country, go through the legal process and I'll be happy to welcome you as a fellow citizen.


Don't laugh but it won't be long before someone proposes letting the world vote in the US elections.


New Member
czygvtwkr said:
Don't laugh but it won't be long before someone proposes letting the world vote in the US elections.

Why not? The worlds influence weighs heavily on Senate decisions every day.


It's really too bad that the idea of the wall didn't come 10 years ago. We could have helped more in the removing of Germany's wall, and airlifted it in place over here. :ohwell: It would have saved THOUSANDS of hours of graffiti work.
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Ponytail said:
It's really too bad that the idea of the wall didn't come 10 years ago. We could have helped more in the removing of Germany's wall, and airlifted it in place over here. :ohwell: It would have saved THOUSANDS of hours of graffiti work.


Although, it wouldn't have that Hispanic theme thing going on. :lmao:


New Member
Why don't we just build a wall around the entire country. And put a cap on top. That way we are secure. Homeland security!


duzzey1a said:
Why don't we just build a wall around the entire country. And put a cap on top. That way we are secure. Homeland security!

Lets wall up the middle east and fill it with Pig crap!! :yay::yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I give it a year before someone compares it to the wall the Israelies were building around the west bank.
Both walls are a good idea long overdue.

The BIG difference between the Berlin wall and the fences along the borders of western Europe and the the old Soviet block countries is they were to keep their citizens in instead of keeping invaders out.


2ndAmendment said:
Both walls are a good idea long overdue.

The BIG difference between the Berlin wall and the fences along the borders of western Europe and the the old Soviet block countries is they were to keep their citizens in instead of keeping invaders out.
The Great Wall of China comes to mind.


New Member
duzzey1a said:
Why don't we just build a wall around the entire country. And put a cap on top. That way we are secure. Homeland security!

I was always hoping to visit Lake Afghanistan. :yay: