Miami and Indiana

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I would have answered Indy and Indy.

Miami represents all that is wrong in the world. Too Big To Fail in sneakers. They are Darth and the Vaders. The Scheme Team. I used to enjoy certain teams getting beat by certain teams whereas the combination of, say, the Celts v Lakers made me want the Lakers to lose but, if they weren't playing the Celtics, I didn't care and would sometimes pull for them, like when Kareem went out against the 6'ers in the finals and Magic just took over.

The Heat, it makes my day if their flight is delayed or their Gatorade is the wrong temperature.


I hate Miami's obnoxious fans and LeBron James has an enormous ego but you can't deny the man is making a case for being one of the greatest of all time.
Are you serious? Did you not watch the series? Indiana fans were the ones booing all the time, while Miami fans hardly did that even when the refs were brutal. Indians players were the ones whining the entire game, even after the refs were blatantly favoring Indiana for a couple games (there were articles on it by the national media). Every time West and Hibbert were called for a foul they went crying to mommy and argued with the ref or you could see them say "WHAT, no way!!", yet they were complaining that the Heat were crybabies and floppers. Somehow they were even fined for more flops than the Heat were. So go figure that one out.

Anyway, I know the Heat and the fans can be cocky and annoying sometimes, but Indiana brought a whole new level during this series. Add on the hypocrisy factor and you have one obnoxious team.

I would have answered Indy and Indy.

Miami represents all that is wrong in the world. Too Big To Fail in sneakers. They are Darth and the Vaders. The Scheme Team. I used to enjoy certain teams getting beat by certain teams whereas the combination of, say, the Celts v Lakers made me want the Lakers to lose but, if they weren't playing the Celtics, I didn't care and would sometimes pull for them, like when Kareem went out against the 6'ers in the finals and Magic just took over.

The Heat, it makes my day if their flight is delayed or their Gatorade is the wrong temperature.


I never thought I'd say this, but you have problems if you hate a random non-rival team that much.

How come it's OK to root for the Celtics or Lakers, who had far more talent and collusion in an era where it was easy to pay for championships and only big market teams could manage it, but you despise the Heat for playing within the rules in a more even (aka salary capped) era? What about the Lakers this year with all of the talent they had supposedly collected? How about the Spurs Big 3 of Parker/Ginobilli/Duncan? How about the Thunder with Durant/Westbrook/Ibaka and then Harden last year? How about the Knicks? Even the Pacers seem to have 5 really quality starts (sub in the injured Granger for Stevenson).

I'm just curious so I can understand your logic. Are players supposed to be "all about me" and be selfish, want all the money they can get, all want to be the leader on the team and aim for as many points as they can personally score in a game? Is that really what should be encouraged? Did you demand that Lebron go to a big market, or stay with his hometown team so he could probably be the first ever guy to win a championship with a team that couldn't put ANY talent around him? How does Lebron get cast the villain for leaving the team that drafted him and aim at winning championships? Why are the "Big 3" villains for deferring to one another and not aiming for collective stats?

I can't understand why the Heat are "all that's wrong in the world" when they are trying to work together, take less money, and build something that's bigger than any of them. Isn't that what should be encouraged in the workplace and elsewhere? Try to do the best job you can all do, collectively, as a team? I figured it was the Allen Iverson's, Dwight Howard's, and even Kobe Bryant's of the world that were what's wrong with it.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I never thought I'd say this, but you have problems if you hate a random non-rival team that much.

Well, if you read this;

I would have answered Indy and Indy.

Miami represents all that is wrong in the world. Too Big To Fail in sneakers. They are Darth and the Vaders. The Scheme Team. I used to enjoy certain teams getting beat by certain teams whereas the combination of, say, the Celts v Lakers made me want the Lakers to lose but, if they weren't playing the Celtics, I didn't care and would sometimes pull for them, like when Kareem went out against the 6'ers in the finals and Magic just took over.

The Heat, it makes my day if their flight is delayed or their Gatorade is the wrong temperature.

...and can not only find the word 'hate' but, at the very same time, not catch any of the humor and light hearted intent, then maybe, and this is just a maybe, perhaps one of us does have a problem.

And it ain't me.

Kinda narrows it down, don't it?


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm just curious so I can understand your logic. Are players supposed to be "all about me" and be selfish, want all the money they can get, all want to be the leader on the team and aim for as many points as they can personally score in a game? Is that really what should be encouraged? Did you demand that Lebron go to a big market, or stay with his hometown team so he could probably be the first ever guy to win a championship with a team that couldn't put ANY talent around him?

I have written this numerous times before but, it is the lost opportunity James had had he stuck it out in Cleveland and just kept fighting. One title there would have meant more than 3 or 4 in Miami.

That's what annoys me about the whole Miami thing.