Michael Jackson's Fate

What will happen to Jacko?

  • He'll weasel his way out of this one too.

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • He's gonna rot in prison.

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • He'll put himself out of misery before the end of all this.

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • He'll get convicted, but will only get a slap on the wrist.

    Votes: 12 37.5%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Easy as 1,2,3...

The new case is different from the 1993 investigation because California law has changed and an alleged victim can be forced to testify, Sneddon said. In the old case the alleged victim, who reportedly received a settlement from Jackson, refused to testify.

He's screwed.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My prediction is he'll weasel his way out of it, put out a new CD after the first of the year, it will be a billion seller, MTV will honor him with a real Artist of the Millennium award and he'll get his own reality show.

Nanny Pam

I voted that he'll get convicted, but his wrist will get slapped. His buddy, Johnny Cockroach, will have to get his 2 cents in there, too.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
:roflmao: :yay: MM

He'll weasel his way out. The Hollyweirds never fully pay for the trouble they cause.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
My prediction is he'll weasel his way out of it, put out a new CD after the first of the year, it will be a billion seller, MTV will honor him with a real Artist of the Millennium award and he'll get his own reality show.

I agree, but do you really think he still has "it" (musically) to sell a bazillion records again? I think the stigma associated with his current dilemma coupled with the public's fear of his face peeling off mid-concert/video is enough to pretty much can his career in the music biz. :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
I agree, but do you really think he still has "it" (musically) to sell a bazillion records again?
Madonna hasn't had "it" in over 10 years and that hasn't stopped her. Britney Spears never did have "it" yet look where she is today. :shrug:

Roman Polanski, who had to flee to France to avoid prosecution for video taping sex with his drugged up 13 year old paramour :)duh:), just won an Oscar for "The Pianist".


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Roman Polanski, who had to flee to France to avoid prosecution for video taping sex with his drugged up 13 year old paramour :)duh:), just won an Oscar for "The Pianist".

Sick, wasn't it?

From what I've read, Polanski's Oscar had nothing to do with that case, or even artistic merit. (Like that's a surprise.) Polanski had a number of things going for him: his film was the sentimental favorite because it was about the Holocaust; it was the first watchable movie he had made in a long time; Harvey Weinstein's aggressive campaigning for "Chicago" and "Gangs of New York" got on people's nerves; and Weinstein and his business tactics are detested in Hollywood.

If I were in charge of the Academy, I might have let the Academy's voters choose Polanski. But I would have decreed that he would have to come to the US to accept his award. :lol:

I don't agree with much of the statement below, but it's food for thought: http://www.knotmag.com/?article=600

For me, the answer is easy because I can separate the person from the artist. Listen, I love Woody Allen, so you can imagine the amount of justifying I have to do when I meet new people. The artist creates art, while the human being mostly screws up his life and hurts those around him. One half of the person doesn't negate or excuse the other, but they should be judged on their own terms. And the Oscars, which are nothing but a popularity contest anyway, are meant to honor innovation and talent, not to be moralists or cops.


I think he will weasel out of it. However, where were the parents of this kid? Even if the 1993 allegations went no where I WOULD NOT leave my child - male or female - be alone with this man I don't care how famous he or rich he is.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He'll do some time...

...get out and write a best seller sports book.

"Why I'd rather pitch than catch: The life and times of an American Icon"

or home improvement...

"Sometimes you're the hammer...sometimes you're the nail: Lessons in life"

or maybe a fairy tale...

"Hanzel and Gretel 2003: Don't fall for the stick trick"


Lem Putt
He's screwed.

I voted that he'll get convicted, but his wrist will get slapped. His buddy, Johnny Cockroach, will have to get his 2 cents in there, too.

...get out and write a best seller sports book.

"Why I'd rather pitch than catch: The life and times of an American Icon"

or home improvement...

"Sometimes you're the hammer...sometimes you're the nail: Lessons in life"

or maybe a fairy tale...

"Hanzel and Gretel 2003: Don't fall for the stick trick"
Good predictions, Larry.


It's a chubby chick.
the people with the $$ get off.
So will OJ get off again. Sleezy bum that he is, was & always will be.

scum of the earth, I tell ya!


In My Opinion
Im thinking that he is going to get the full sex change in Sweden this year, then put out an album as a new female singer. Call himself Mikey Montana and get a show on Disney that will allow him to do a childrens tour where he will be in direct contact with thousands of unsuspecting victims.