Michelle Wie: What's The Point?


Dancing Up A Storm
Once again, Wie misses cut by a mile vs. men

This young gal has played in numerous mens golf tournaments, and failed to make the cuts.

I'm not getting what she's trying to prove. :confused:

FARMINGTON, Pa. (AP) - Ryan Moore matched the low round with a 5-under 67 and Ben Curtis shot a 70 to share the second-round lead at the 84 Lumber Classic on Friday, while 16-year-old Michelle Wie failed to make the cut for a sixth straight time in a U.S. PGA Tour event.


Penn said:
Once again, Wie misses cut by a mile vs. men

This young gal has played in numerous mens golf tournaments, and failed to make the cuts.

I'm not getting what she's trying to prove. :confused:

FARMINGTON, Pa. (AP) - Ryan Moore matched the low round with a 5-under 67 and Ben Curtis shot a 70 to share the second-round lead at the 84 Lumber Classic on Friday, while 16-year-old Michelle Wie failed to make the cut for a sixth straight time in a U.S. PGA Tour event.
:howdy: Penn!

I'm with you, give it a rest already!


Nothing to see here
Her parents are using her as a meal ticket (link ).

With that said, it doesn't bother me one iota that she occasionally plays on the PGA tour, more power to her. Fact is, you play with better golfers, typically you up your game. Conditions are far more severe on the men's tour, thus making her a better golfer. Could she make a living on the men's tour strictly on her golf game? I doubt it. Women's sports abilities have taken a quantum leap over the past 2 decades and if a woman wants to compete with men, go for it.


Lobster Land
otter said:
Her parents are using her as a meal ticket (link ).

With that said, it doesn't bother me one iota that she occasionally plays on the PGA tour, more power to her. Fact is, you play with better golfers, typically you up your game. Conditions are far more severe on the men's tour, thus making her a better golfer. Could she make a living on the men's tour strictly on her golf game? I doubt it. Women's sports abilities have taken a quantum leap over the past 2 decades and if a woman wants to compete with men, go for it.

I totally agree with the above, not to mention that it obviously has to be drawing in more viewers/interest in the game by people that may not be all that interested. Can you imagine the viewing audience should she ever make the cut.


Dancing Up A Storm
otter said:
Her parents are using her as a meal ticket (link ).

With that said, it doesn't bother me one iota that she occasionally plays on the PGA tour, more power to her. Fact is, you play with better golfers, typically you up your game. Conditions are far more severe on the men's tour, thus making her a better golfer. Could she make a living on the men's tour strictly on her golf game? I doubt it. Women's sports abilities have taken a quantum leap over the past 2 decades and if a woman wants to compete with men, go for it.

remaxrealtor: :howdy: Penn!

I'm with you, give it a rest already!

(or, at least play a tournement on the LPGA schedule too.)

OK, I'll buy that arguement otter; but then again, why isn't she playing in the LPGA events as well? And, 6 events over the last year is more than just "occasional", no?

Ever since she broke on the scene, she's sparked interest in the golf community with her spirited play against her other LPGA competitors. But lately, I have not seen her mentioned on the leaderboards, or notable scorers, either.

Also, isn't she a 17 yr old? How can she expect to compete with the PGA big hitters?


Nothing to see here
Penn said:
remaxrealtor: :howdy: Penn!

I'm with you, give it a rest already!

(or, at least play a tournement on the LPGA schedule too.)

OK, I'll buy that arguement otter; but then again, why isn't she playing in the LPGA events as well? And, 6 events over the last year is more than just "occasional", no?

Ever since she broke on the scene, she's sparked interest in the golf community with her spirited play against her other LPGA competitors. But lately, I have not seen her mentioned on the leaderboards, or notable scorers, either.

Also, isn't she a 17 yr old? How can she expect to compete with the PGA big hitters?

LPGA has made it hard for women younger than 18 to join..She is not a member of the LPGA, she can play,if invited. I could be wrong on this, but 90% sure I'm correct.

I believe she averages in the 265 to 275 range..Thats comparable to Fred Funk or Corey Pavin, who have won on the tour. She can't compete against the big hitters and I doubt she would ever win a men's tournament but if she wants to try, who cares?? Much ado about nothing.


Penn said:
Once again, Wie misses cut by a mile vs. men

This young gal has played in numerous mens golf tournaments, and failed to make the cuts.

I'm not getting what she's trying to prove. :confused:

FARMINGTON, Pa. (AP) - Ryan Moore matched the low round with a 5-under 67 and Ben Curtis shot a 70 to share the second-round lead at the 84 Lumber Classic on Friday, while 16-year-old Michelle Wie failed to make the cut for a sixth straight time in a U.S. PGA Tour event.

I don't know if I'd call missing the cut by 13 strokes a mile as you conveniently changed the title of the article to fit your beliefs and your perception trying to belittle her. If it was me than yea, it would probably be a mile :lol: I think its great she can try and hasn't given up. She or her parents have apparently set high goals. Kudos to her for trying :clap:


dems4me said:
I don't know if I'd call missing the cut by 13 strokes a mile as you conveniently changed the title of the article to fit your beliefs and your perception trying to belittle her. If it was me than yea, it would probably be a mile :lol: I think its great she can try and hasn't given up. She or her parents have apparently set high goals. Kudos to her for trying :clap:
13 strokes in professional golf is actually about 9 miles, 426 feet, 5 inches.


Pete said:
13 strokes in professional golf is actually about 9 miles, 426 feet, 5 inches.

:lol: Well, than, kudos to her for trying! :lol: I think its great she's set such a high goal and I can't wait until she does make the cut :biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
dems4me said:
I don't know if I'd call missing the cut by 13 strokes a mile as you conveniently changed the title of the article to fit your beliefs and your perception trying to belittle her. If it was me than yea, it would probably be a mile :lol: I think its great she can try and hasn't given up. She or her parents have apparently set high goals. Kudos to her for trying :clap:

Sorry Dems, but I did not change the storyline from the article.

That is exactly the way I got it from that sports wire service.

I'm not trying to "belittle" Ms. Wie in her efforts to play with the mens tour, I was just curious about why she wants to go up against them, seemingly not able to compete with them at their level.

Otter gave a good rationale why she's doing it, and for the most part, I accepted that.

However, :smack: for you to think that I would alter a storyline just to diss her. :neener:


Penn said:
Sorry Dems, but I did not change the storyline from the article.

That is exactly the way I got it from that sports wire service.

I'm not trying to "belittle" Ms. Wie in her efforts to play with the mens tour, I was just curious about why she wants to go up against them, seemingly not able to compete with them at their level.

Otter gave a good rationale why she's doing it, and for the most part, I accepted that.

However, :smack: for you to think that I would alter a storyline just to diss her. :neener:

I believe you! :smile: :huggy:


I'm reminded of when I started working at a car dealership and one of my fellow new hires mentioned how pointless it was to put balloons up everyday because "every dealership does it and nobody even notices it!", to which I replied "how do you know every dealership is doing it if you aren't noticing it?"

So what's the point? The point is how many strings on this forum have you seen dealing with female golfers? The fact that you'all are discussing her should answer what her point is... it's to get noticed. Who's the only other female golfer who gets any widespread attention? Annika Sorrensen. And why is she know outside of the LPGA? Because she golfed one time with guys. I met Sorrensen when she came to Orlando to have us work on a golf instruction DVD for her, and do you think she would be able to make money of such a project if she weren't famous for playing with the guys? No, and neither would Wie.