Mickey Mouse for Halloween


Well-Known Member
My daughter, age 2 1/2, has decided she wants to be Mickey Mouse for Halloween. I've tried talking her into Minnie Mouse, but she insists, "NO! MICKEY MOUSE".

Any one care to place bets on how many times I have to explain "he" is really a she? :doh:


New Member
My daughter WANTED to be Mickey Mouse - but I told her that Mickey Mouse was a boy, so she couldn't be that. Aren't I a rotten mom??? So she settled for Minnie Mouse - the same costume from last year actually. I guess I should be glad she's still young and doesn't care about being the same thing two years in a row! (Even though I tried talking her out of that one, too!)


Steelers Fan 4-life
Just put the bow on her head and tell everyone she dressed up as minnie, who dressed up as mickey.


Well-Known Member
I guess I just don't understand the issue. :lol:

:lmao: I so wish I knew where you lived. I'd make it a point to bring her over and when you comment that he is sooooo cute, I'd have to point out that SHE is cute and Mickey doesn't have a penis.


My Sweetest Boy
:lmao: I so wish I knew where you lived. I'd make it a point to bring her over and when you comment that he is sooooo cute, I'd have to point out that SHE is cute and Mickey doesn't have a penis.

Why? It's a costume. My boys wore pumpkin suits, clown suits, even a bunny suit. You couldn't tell whether they were a boy or girl when they were two and dressed in their costume. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Just put the bow on her head and tell everyone she dressed up as minnie, who dressed up as mickey.
My daughter WANTED to be Mickey Mouse - but I told her that Mickey Mouse was a boy, so she couldn't be that. Aren't I a rotten mom??? So she settled for Minnie Mouse - the same costume from last year actually. I guess I should be glad she's still young and doesn't care about being the same thing two years in a row! (Even though I tried talking her out of that one, too!)
Why can't the kid just dress up as who she wants...which is Mickey Mouse?

:yay: She will be Mickey


Witchy Woman
My almost 60 year old Mother was Mickey Mouse for Halloween Last year. And Daisy Duck the year before that. :lol:

Better a girl as Mickey than a boy as Minnie. :wink:


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New Member
I think that she will be a cute Mickey. When my cousin was little she was determined that she wanted to be a cowboy not a cowgirl.

Yeah it's fine. My brother used to run around in dresses and take my moms jewelry until he was about ten and he's a perfectly normal person. I think.:lmao:


Heh... my son wanted to be a kitty. I thought it was a little girly and tried to talk him out of it... didn't work. Took him to Target, though, showed him the available choices for costumes (including a lion) and he decided he'd rather be a monkey :yahoo:


New Member
If it's only a costume, what's the big deal? It's one night, dress up, a flashlight or glow stick, candy, give or take a half hour... maybe she'll run around in it for a week later. Then christmas will run around and you'll have kodak to thank for remenbering her second Halloween.. It's something to cherish.

Enjoy it.


New Member
My daughter, who is 3, once again wants to be a princess - she choose the Aurora Costume and can't wait to wear it.

My boy, 2, is going to be a race car driver.

Makes no difference to me....as long as the kids are happy.


It wouldnt bother me if someone thought my daughter was a boy just cause she was wearing Mickey. If they told me he was cute, I would just say thanks. No explanation needed. Just gimme some candy:biggrin: