microchip question

We've had the microchips implanted in our dogs for identification. My husband swears the chips float around in the skin and can be felt in different spots. I think he's just feeling little bug bites or something now and then and thinking it's the chip. Can he be right that they can float from the head to the side and all around?


I found this

Can the microchip move around once it is implanted in the body?

When properly implanted, a small layer of connective tissue forms around the microchip, preventing movement or migration of the chip.



New Member
We've had the microchips implanted in our dogs for identification. My husband swears the chips float around in the skin and can be felt in different spots. I think he's just feeling little bug bites or something now and then and thinking it's the chip. Can he be right that they can float from the head to the side and all around?

My dog had a chip implanted as a puppy between the shoulder blades; when the vet checked for it, he found it had moved to the upper part of her leg (shoulder area). He first told me she did not have one because it wasn't between her shoulder blades and he had to look for it a second time. Makes me wonder about strays; if they are being scanned correctly for one that may have moved.


New Member
We always had to play hide and seek with our girlie's chip. We would take bets w/the vet tech on where we thought it would be on each trip,
