Charles Co. Middle school girls compete in track and field meet

Middle school girls were off to the races May 1 for the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) track meet held at Westlake High School.

Overall, in first place were the sixth-grade team from Milton M. Somers Middle School, the seventh-grade team from Piccowaxen Middle School and the eighth-grade team from John Hanson Middle School. Placing second overall were the sixth-grade team from Piccowaxen, the seventh-grade team from Theodore G. Davis Middle School and Piccowaxen’s eighth-grade team. In third place were the sixth-grade team from Davis, the seventh-grade team from Somers and the eighth-grade team from Somers.

The final results for sixth grade include:

100-meter dash

  • Sydney Watson, first place, Somers;
  • Rebekah Ainerua, second place, Davis; and
  • Kalia McClain, third place, Matthew Henson Middle School

200-meter dash

  • Cohren Corbin, first place, Davis;
  • Sydney Watson, second place, Somers; and
  • Kalia McClain, third place, Henson

400-meter dash

  • Cortney Adams, first place, Benjamin Stoddert Middle School;
  • Jordynn Akuoko, second place, Davis; and
  • Shelby Payne, third place, Piccowaxen

800-meter dash

  • Cortney Adams, first place, Stoddert;
  • Caroline Earnshaw, second place, Piccowaxen; and
  • Jordan Loeffler, third place, Hanson

1600-meter dash

  • Samantha Kindall, first place, General Smallwood Middle School;
  • Caroline Earnshaw, second place, Piccowaxen; and
  • Camille Plunkett, third place, Piccowaxen

4×100 meter relay

  • Davis, first place;
  • Hanson, second place; and
  • Piccowaxen, third place

4×200 meter relay

  • Piccowaxen, first place;
  • Somers, second place; and
  • Henson, third place

High jump

  • Jadyn Woolsey, first place, Somers;
  • Christian Jenkins-DePeiza, second place, Davis; and
  • Zaiah Mozie, third place, Henson

Long jump

  • Gabrielle Lee, first place, Mattawoman Middle School;
  • Olivia Novinger, second place, Piccowaxen; and
  • Lydia Otto, third place, Hanson

Shot put

  • Reagan Toder, first place, Smallwood;
  • Alyssa Blaney, second place, Smallwood; and
  • Presley Shaffier, third place, Somers

Discus throw

  • Presley Shaffier, first place, Somers;
  • Ava Weibrecht, second place, Somers; and
  • Jada Massey, third place, Hanson

The final results for seventh grade include:

100-meter dash

  • Valerie Ashamu, first place, Somers;
  • Jaidn Chappell, second place, Somers; and
  • Imahnee Shaw, third place, Stoddert

200-meter dash

  • Gabrielle Garner, first place, Davis;
  • Valerie Ashamu, second place, Somers; and
  • Zoe Mudd, third place, Hanson

400-meter dash

  • Amber Wimbish, first place, Davis;
  • Dani Davis, second place, Mattawoman; and
  • Nevaeh Lessa-Beamon, third place, Hanson

800-meter dash

  • Karley Nicholl, first place, Piccowaxen;
  • Grace Lyon, second place, Somers; and
  • Savonna Smyser, third place, Piccowaxen

1600-meter dash

  • Grace Lyon, first place, Somers;
  • Diamond Thompson, second place, Davis; and
  • Gracie Butler, third place, Smallwood

4×100-meter relay

  • Somers, first place;
  • Davis, second place; and
  • Piccowaxen, third place

4×200-meter relay

  • Davis, first place;
  • Piccowaxen, second place; and
  • Mattawoman, third place

High jump

  • Karley Nicholl, first place, Piccowaxen;
  • Kylar Stephens, second place, Davis; and
  • Addy Donnick, third place, Somers

Long jump

  • Savonna Smyser, first place, Piccowaxen;
  • Ryleigh Washington, second place, Davis; and
  • Faith Croson, third place, Piccowaxen

Shot put

  • Trinity Duncan, first place, Davis;
  • Alaysia Jones, second place, Mattawoman; and
  • Abigael Jones, third place, Piccowaxen

Discus throw

  • AnnMarie Truesdell, first place, Piccowaxen;
  • Kira Hubler, second place, Somers; and
  • Faith Croson, third place, Piccowaxen

The final results for eighth grade include:

100-meter dash

  • Sky Austin, first place, Stoddert;
  • Hollis Lyon, second place, Somers; and
  • Angelica Emory, third place, Hanson

200-meter dash

  • Hollis Lyon, first place, Somers;
  • Angelica Emory, second place, Hanson; and
  • Katlyn Tameling, third place, Somers

400-meter dash

  • Takiya Henson, first place, Mattawoman;
  • Alyssa Darago, second place, Hanson; and
  • Nikolette Blackwell, third place, Hanson

800-meter dash

  • Takiya Henson, first place, Mattawoman;
  • Caitlyn Kelly, second place, Hanson; and
  • Kylie Bradshaw, third place, Piccowaxen

1600-meter dash

  • Camryn Ging, first place, Somers;
  • Kylie Bradshaw, second place, Piccowaxen; and
  • Samantha Vance, third place, Hanson


  • Corrine Ball, first place, Davis;
  • Olivia Robinson, second place, Hanson; and
  • Alexis Ivory, third place, Henson

4×100 meter relay

  • Hanson, first place;
  • Henson, second place; and
  • Somers, third place

4×200 meter relay

  • Somers, first place;
  • Davis, second place; and
  • Henson, third place

High jump

  • Adebola Oluyede, first place, Davis;
  • Makiah Brown, second place, Hanson; and
  • Mia Clark, third place, Somers

Long jump

  • Ginger Hayden, first place, Piccowaxen;
  • Corrine Ball, second place, Davis; and
  • Micah Monegain, third place, Mattawoman

Shot put

  • Raven Figueroa, first place, Hanson;
  • Julia Elebeke, second place, Mattawoman; and
  • Skyler Smith, third place, Piccowaxen

Discus throw

  • Raven Figueroa, first place, Hanson;
  • Taylor Schneider, second place, Piccowaxen; and
  • Skyler Smith, third place, Piccowaxen

About CCPS

Charles County Public Schools provides 27,108 students in grades prekindergarten through 12 with an academically challenging education. Located in Southern Maryland, Charles County Public Schools has 36 schools that offer a technologically advanced, progressive and high quality education that builds character, equips for leadership and prepares students for life, careers and higher education.

The Charles County public school system does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. For inquiries, please contact Kathy Kiessling, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (students) or Nikial M. Majors, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 coordinator (employees/ adults), at Charles County Public Schools, Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building, P.O. Box 2770, La Plata, MD 20646; 301-932-6610/301-870-3814. For special accommodations call 301-934-7230 or TDD 1-800-735-2258 two weeks prior to the event.

[ This article originally appeared here ]