Miers Withdraws Supreme Court Nomination

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...ol' Chuckie Schumer said yesterday that W couldn't withdraw her now, before a single Senate hearing, for fear of exposing just how much sway the 'extremist' groups in the party hold over the Whitehouse.


I'm really surprised that she stepped down, I figured they'd fight it out and let it go to vote along party lines. :shrug:


staring into the abyss
Except that most of the resistance to her nomination came from the Republican side. Many of the interviews w/ (R)s were scathing, questioning why GWB would nominate someone with such a slim transcript. (D)'s sort of held up their hands and slowly backed away from the firstorm. The informal counts I've seen had her losing in judiciary commitee, which would end any debate on this. GWB didn't want to pull her out because it would look horrible, and he didn't want her getting picked apart on the Senate floor, which would look even worse.


I was not initially opposed. I actually thought having someone who was NOT a judge would be a good idea, a free thinker, not bound by stupid paradigms. It wasn't until I heard David From on Laura Ingrham the other day that I changed my mind. He stated that she was not really a free thinker, she was in fact an appeaser and stated several reasons and examples.

I am sure she is not a bad person, a good lawyer, but I would not be happy with someone who has appeased people for 40 years cowering in her office afraid to rule because she thinks Ruthie would be mad at her.

I guess quitting when the going got tough shows that she didn't have the mettle


But wait, there's more...
I don't care who he nominates -- right, left, male, female, white, black -- so long as the person will be fair. :yay:

:yawn: Was I just talking in my sleep? :confused:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
And now George's master plan goes into effect.
His next nominee, who will be further right and anti-abortion, even if we don't know it, will be received with open arms.

George loses face but he gets the nominee he really wants.
Democrats look good (even though they weren't the ones in opposition) because George had to withdraw.

Simple. Go George! :cheers: He obviously watched Jack & Bobby last year. :lol: