Migrant Issues - Global Edition


PREMO Member

France Has Fallen: Migrant Mob Torch Mayor’s Home, Wife and Kids Injured Escaping

Vincent Jeanbrun was at town hall, as he has been for the previous three nights of rioting, leaving his wife and two children home alone when rioters smashed down the gates with a burning vehicle at 1:30 am Sunday morning. They set fire to the house, garbage cans and the family car, and shot fireworks at the house.

The mayor’s wife had to flee their home under attack, lifting their children over the wall to the neighbors’ yard, injuring themselves in the process. The wife and one of the children were hospitalized with fractures. The two children were “very traumatized”, FranceInfo reports.

According to public prosecutor Stéphane Hardouin, the attackers probably intended “to burn down the house”. “Initial findings lead us to believe that the vehicle was launched to burn down the bungalow”, the public prosecutor told the press. “An accelerant was discovered in a bottle of coke”.

Jeanbrun called it an “incredibly cowardly assassination attempt” and a “milestone in horror and disgrace.” “My determination to serve and protect my country is greater than ever,” Jeanbrun said. “I will never back down.”

The worst rioting took place in the Mediterranean port city of Marseilles last night, according to FranceInfo. There were 719 arrests Saturday night, 994 Friday night and 1311 Thursday night. 45 police officers were injured Saturday night, after 515 the week before. 577 vehicles torched and 74 buildings set on fire. 871 fires were set on streets.



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Liberal Reporter STUNNED After Poland Leader DECLARES NO Illegal Immigrants Are Allowed There!​

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"I was the first Muslim leader of a western democracy. And I say Islamophobia has poisoned our politics," he writes.

In 2024, almost half the world’s population will take part in elections. Many countries have already gone to the polls, and in a number of countries, particularly across Europe, the biggest gains have been made by those who make a living out of vilifying Muslims.
I am, proudly, a western Muslim. I had the great honour and privilege of being the first Muslim leader of any western democracy, and yet it is increasingly difficult to persuade fellow Muslims that Europe does not have a problem with our very existence.
In the UK, the scale of a Labour victory is likely to be the story of the day, but it is also expected that Nigel Farage’s Reform UK will make significant gains. A recent YouGov Poll put Reform one point ahead of the Conservatives.
Farage – who, during this campaign, has said that Muslims do not share British values – has a history of making Islamophobic remarks. In 2015, he said that people had fears of Muslims as a “fifth column”; in 2013, he suggested Muslim migrants were “coming here to take us over”. Farage has failed to get elected seven times and yet, despite this and regardless of the fact that he has made a living out of fanning the flames of religious and racial tension, the British media appears obsessed with platforming him.

You were the first Muslim leader of any Western democracy for about 15 minutes.

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African attacker dies in botched bombing of Arab-owned restaurant in Germany

German news outlet Junge Freiheit reported the targeted restaurant was an independent chain owned by a large Arab family and the perpetrator was of African origin.

It is understood the attacker approached the restaurant equipped with explosives but detonated the device too early, seriously injuring himself and other bystanders.

“He took something out of the front of his pants. That looked like an explosive device. Then he probably accidentally spilled a liquid, then there was a big bang and the man burned. Witnesses then extinguished it and administered first aid,” one eyewitness told German tabloid newspaper Bild.



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Wife was in London 3 days ago, said they have completely lost their identity, nothing but turbans and rags. Not looking forward to departing there Friday.


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If we were smart----and we are not--- we would clean out Dearborn and other enclaves filled with Muslims while they are still too weak to be a threat to our country. We have the evidence in hand of what is happening in other countries where these people have grown strong enough to be a National threat. Unless you are a retard you HAVE to realize that it is a growing problem right here in America. Islamophobic? Damned right. Justifiably so. Thank God for the 2nd. Amendment. Americans will go down fighting.