


how can the smell of mildew make someone feel so sick instantly (bad headache and wanting to puke)?


you are not one bit funny. Plus I am a very clean person so that comment was very uncalled for.

Jeeze, get a sense of humor, won'tcha? You're always complaining about you or your dog or cat having some illness or other, haven't you learned by now, you're going to get some jokes and some real advice in the thread, you've been here long enough to know this by now.

You're probably allergic to mildew, stay away from it, if it's in your house, call your landlord.

And NP, you crack me up.
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Having Fun!
how can the smell of mildew make someone feel so sick instantly (bad headache and wanting to puke)?

You are probably allergic -- contact a doctor to be sure and stay away form it in the meantime. Ask someone else to hit the mildew with some clorox spray or other bleach product.