Military Bases: Obama's New Illegal Alien Dumping Grounds


New Member
"A source tipped me off last week to a curious occurrence: It seems that two planeloads of illegal aliens were recently shipped to Massachusetts. The first reportedly landed at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford. According to my tipster, approximately 160 illegal immigrants arrived on that flight and stayed nearly a week before being transferred to a Department of Homeland Security site and then released.

The second flight reportedly was diverted from Hanscom to Boston's Logan Airport this past weekend. I am told that both Massachusetts and New Hampshire officials were on hand. I reached out to Hanscom AFB for confirmation, but did not receive a call back by my deadline.

Question: How many other military bases are stealthily being used to redistribute, house, process and release illegal border crossers?"


Each application of water to the face of a waterboarded subject is called a pour:) Guy I watched getting it done to him lasted for three of them before he was ready to give up anything to make it stop.
Been there, done that when they did it for real. Passed out.


Power with Control
Well, there you go. Damn, wonder if we had

A) Actually built a real fence
B) Not told everyone that if you can just get here, you can get to stay and even get a low cost/free education.

unintended consequences? Maybe, but not unknown, it's easy to see what will happen given the above.