"Military Members belong on Terror Watchlists" - MSNBC Host


Well-Known Member
Normally, I'd put this under Military, but...well, you'll see. Larry O'Donnell done lost his damn mind.

If you've ever wondered why the Main Stream Media isn't worth the toilet paper its programming is printed on, this here is 100% proof as to why you're correct. The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell is an American weeknight news and political commentary program on MSNBC. Lawrence thought it was breaking news to throw the military and veteran population under the bus. I decided to he was wrong. My spiteful goal is to have this video get more views than his Bullshit show does.



Well-Known Member
Going out on a limb with a SWAG, but what group votes consistently conservative? What group is consistently pro-2A?

I guess they figure if they can isolate us, demonize us, they have a chance in 2028.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Well of course MSNBC's O'Donnell is bat sht crazy, but so is everyone on MSNBC.
The nut case in the first post also has a few screws loose.

He is right, but his message really sucks.


Well-Known Member
Well of course MSNBC's O'Donnell is bat sht crazy, but so is everyone on MSNBC.
The nut case in the first post also has a few screws loose.

He is right, but his message really sucks.
It's a combination of that's his shtick and the fact that he's from Buffalo, NY. The younger vets seem to love him, though.