Minor league baseball is expensive!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We went to a Key's game last night and, boy, it ain't cheap! $50 each!!!

It all stated with their Tuesday promotion, bring in a Kraft thingy and it's BOGO, any seats in the house so, we select the second most expensive seats there is ($9) which are nearly nosebleeds (you are STILL so close to the batters box your nose will bleed when a foul ball catches you unawares) so, we're $4.50 each. GTG, right?

The hell. Two craft beers, 16oz, $7.50 each, yum!!!
1 cheeseburger and 1 sausage, $7 each so, round 1 is up to $30.

Round two is pop corn and we switch to Coors lite which is a 20oz cup for $7, $20.

Round three is two more Curs and a hot dog, $20.

Round four is two beers and nachos piled high, $20.

Round five is one last beer, $7.

Parking is free, lines are short (non existent) the game was pretty good and it's just a fun, relaxing park with no marauding gangs of menacing teens.

Oh, I forgot; they lost so, the Tuesday promotion is ALSO a win guarantee night so, we have two FREE tickets for a future M-Thur game.

Not sure I can afford them! :lol:

Sweet 16

We used to go see the Prince William Cannons, now the P-Nats, way back when it WAS cheap. $6 tickets, $2 hotdogs, $3 beers and some decent stick and ball. Now for three of us to go to a Blue Crabs game we drop anywhere from $50-$70. It's still fun but it's not exactly cheap family entertainment anymore. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
We used to go see the Prince William Cannons, now the P-Nats, way back when it WAS cheap. $6 tickets, $2 hotdogs, $3 beers and some decent stick and ball. Now for three of us to go to a Blue Crabs game we drop anywhere from $50-$70. It's still fun but it's not exactly cheap family entertainment anymore. :ohwell:

I have taken my son to a few Blue Crabs games and spent $25 total, including snacks and bottled water. I make sure that we eat before we head to the game. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We used to go see the Prince William Cannons, now the P-Nats, way back when it WAS cheap. $6 tickets, $2 hotdogs, $3 beers and some decent stick and ball. Now for three of us to go to a Blue Crabs game we drop anywhere from $50-$70. It's still fun but it's not exactly cheap family entertainment anymore. :ohwell:

In discussing that what we boiled it down to is it is closer than Camden so less time. It is smaller, less crowds and shorter lines which is HUGE to me, for tix, food and drink and, especially, getting in and out. And it is way more better seating wise and human behavior wise.

So, it isn't cheaper. Just more fun-er.

Sweet 16

I have taken my son to a few Blue Crabs games and spent $25 total, including snacks and bottled water. I make sure that we eat before we head to the game. :shrug:

Even if I ate dinner beforehand, I can't sit through *any* baseball game without a hotdog and a beer at some point :lmao:


5$ beers before first pitch at Nats games....They only let you buy 2 at a time, but hypothetically if someone sits at the seats and you keep buying 2 from different bartenders at the Miller Lite Centerfield Pavillion you can stock quite a nice supply!:buddies: