Missing Scout Might Be Found


New Member
Rangers coordinating the search for a 12-year-old Boy Scout missing in the North Carolina mountains were scrambling to try to confirm a radio transmission from searchers that the child may have been found! :yay:


This Space for Rent
Cool! Now he can get his "How to get lost like a retard and start an expensive search because I learned nothing in Boy Scouts" badge.


New Member
FromTexas said:
Cool! Now he can get his "How to get lost like a retard and start an expensive search because I learned nothing in Boy Scouts" badge.
Me thinks he was off his meds..... :whistle:


New Member
There is NO WAY our Scout Master would have let someone stay behind because they wanted to sleep in. The only way you could have stayed behind is if you were physically sick or injured and there would have been at least 2 adults present, who also, would not have let you wonder off. Hmmmmm???


BlackSheep said:
There is NO WAY our Scout Master would have let someone stay behind because they wanted to sleep in. The only way you could have stayed behind is if you were physically sick or injured and there would have been at least 2 adults present, who also, would not have let you wonder off. Hmmmmm???

Kinder gentler Scouts? I thought the same thing that you did. My (Girl) Scout leaders never would have allowed sleeping in and nobody ever got lost.

Sounds like a bunch of wussy boys/men who should have stayed at home.


Lovin' being Texican
The Crats want the DoD to accept ADHD kids into the military

The Kid's Dad said:
"There are many things about Michael's personality that may be connected with the ADHD that are really wonderful, that are really positive: his imagination, his creativity," Auberry said.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, according to MayoClinic.com, is a group of chronic disorders that begin in childhood whose symptoms include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.

"He's a very contemplative kid. I can see him being interested in something, looking around and not realizing where he is at that particular time, at that moment."

You wouldn't believe how much Babs Mckulski wants us to let these kids into the military academies. Imagine that this kid was a Second Lieutenant leading a troop of your kids into combat (or even into the woods)!


I bowl overhand
Lenny said:
You wouldn't believe how much Babs Mckulski wants us to let these kids into the military academies. Imagine that this kid was a Second Lieutenant leading a troop of your kids into combat (or even into the woods)!
Military structure is perfect for ADD and ADHD kids/ adults. They make the best soldiers in most cases too. Just don't put them in Admin jobs or Finance jobs, your records and pay will be royally f'd up.

Now a few years back if you had EVER taken Ritalin you were DQ'd from military service.. not currently taking it, even if it was when you were 7 years old.. if at any time in your life you took Ritalin you weren't allowed to serve your country.

It was ludicrous how perfect a medical specimen you had to be to join the military. I had one had 20/20 vision but one of he eyeballs "shook" DQ'd.. THINK you're allergic to bee stings? DQ'd.. Mommy told me I had an asthma attack when I was 11, i think.. DQ'd.. The list goes on and on.. knee surgery? Kidney Stones?? Scoliosis.. flat feet (even though he played football and ran marathons)..


Lovin' being Texican
itsbob said:
Military structure is perfect for ADD and ADHD kids/ adults. They make the best soldiers in most cases too. Just don't put them in Admin jobs or Finance jobs, your records and pay will be royally f'd up.

"They make the best soldiers in most cases too." Gawd, I am glad I haven't served in your Army. These guys don't read, don't socialize, don't pay attention, don't lead and don't follow. And you want to arm them with lethal weapons.

Bob, I used to think you were fairly well grounded. Now I have to rethink that position.