
Larry Gude

Strung Out
Mike Vick continues to ASTOUND.

The violence of football catches up with everyone but damn, he is simply amazing.

Imagine if he played basketball or soccer or hockey. Maybe decathalon?



But wait, there's more...
WTH was up with the pre-game :boxing: last night? :shrug: Almost seems like Mathis was sent out there intentionally to pizz off Trotter. Then, the second pre-game event appeared more like a pep rally than it was a team vs. team :boxing: match, but ESPN reported it as another possible fight breaking out. :confused: Either way, it sure made for an exciting game ... until I dozed off in the 3rd quarter. :snooze:

I'll be sure to brew a pot of coffee for next Monday night's game though! :really: :whistle:


New Member
Hear me out about Michael Vick...

Hell of an athlete, great feet. But do you know what? The quarterback's job in football is to throw the ball. The only time where this is not the case is if you run a college-style option attack. I honestly cannot stand quarterbacks, like Vick, who will scramble out of that pocket so quickly that they don't even spot a receiver downfield so they can run.

Last week, Mike Vick had a 55.7 quarterback rating. He only threw for 2 more TD's last year than INT's and he was the 21st ranked quarterback in the NFL. Good athlete, good runner. But would I pick him as my quarterback? Absolutely not.


"Typical White Person"
Vick would be hell of alot more dangerous as a half back, we all know his running ability and if the offense incorporated some kind of option to pass sweeps or something I think he be alot more productive then he is in his current role. Hell of an athlete but I think they need to invent a new posistion for him!


New Member
This is very true. But the thing is that the option does not work in the NFL because team speed on defense is so much better than it is in college. Just look at the Cowboys' experimentation with the option a couple years back with Qunicy Morgan. It was wholly awful.