Governor Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Arrives In Maryland This Week


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State Has Now Allocated 191,075 Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Doses
Enough Doses Allocated to Vaccinate 90% of Front Line Hospital Staff
Nursing Home Staff and Resident Vaccinations Expected To Begin In Coming Days

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, which was granted emergency use authorization by the FDA on Friday, has begun shipping to recipients in Maryland.

Maryland’s total allotment now includes more than 191,000 total doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.


Phase 1A of Maryland’s COVID-19 vaccination plan focuses on front line healthcare workers, staff and residents of long-term care facilities, as well as first responders. Marylanders are encouraged to visit to learn more about the state’s distribution plan, review safety information about the vaccines, and get answers to frequently asked questions.

“As laid out in our statewide vaccination plan, our earliest vaccinations are focused on our front line healthcare workers, the residents and staff of our nursing homes,” said Governor Hogan. “We encourage our hospitals and local health departments to get our critical front line healthcare workers vaccinated as safely and quickly as possible.”


Front Line Healthcare Workers. Every hospital in every region of the state is receiving vaccine doses from the initial allotments of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which are both two-dose vaccines. The number of doses distributed to each hospital is based on its total number of high-risk staff as reported to the Maryland Hospital Association. Once this week’s shipments are complete, enough doses will have been distributed to vaccinate approximately 90% of the state’s front line hospital staff. State health officials anticipate that the remainder of front line hospital staff will be covered by next week’s allocations. Vaccine administration is the responsibility of each hospital.

Long-Term Care Facilities. In preparation for Phase 1A, state health officials signed up every Maryland nursing home and assisted living facility for vaccinations through the CDC’s Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program. CVS and Walgreens locations in Maryland are receiving shipments of the Pfizer vaccine for administration to nursing home residents and staff, and expect to begin vaccination clinics later this week.

Local Health Departments. Each local health department will receive an initial 100-dose shipment of the Moderna vaccine to confirm proper functioning of the state logistics chain in preparation for the remainder of Phase 1A vaccination efforts. Local health officers are encouraged to begin vaccinating their vaccination teams as soon as possible.

While shipments have begun, note that it may take several days for them to be completed over the course of the week.
