MOH recipient Dakota Meyer blasts Trump's call for a ban....


Ubi bene ibi patria

"BELLEVILLE, Ill. (Tribune News Service) — Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer has taken to the Internet to blast Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s call for a temporary ban on allowing all Muslims to enter the United States.

“This, frankly, is the last straw in a high stack of ignorant mob panhandling ideas that have come out of his mouth since he announced his candidacy,” Meyer wrote in an essay for the website Task and Purpose.

Defending his call for a ban on Muslims in an interview with ABC News, Trump claimed that he is, “the worst thing that’s ever happened to ISIS.” Meyer slammed Trump’s proposal.

“The worst thing to happen to ISIS will be the resolve and heroic actions of our servicemen and women deployed there right now, and the thousands more ready to go,” Meyer wrote.

“I’ve been critical of accepting Syrian refugees, and that’s still something I’m concerned about, but labeling a whole religion is wrong,” Meyer concluded. “Ultimately, in addressing our problems, we need solutions that are detailed and principled and in line with our values. Fear won’t win.” "


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So Dakota Meyer's recommendation for war and boots on the ground is now laudable, because he criticizes Trump? "Fear won't win" but a big nuke - now THAT'S a winner. :yay:

Liberals are a messed up bunch.


So Mr. Myer won the MOH. Congratulations and thank you for your service. That being said he is no more qualified or credible to make this type of statement than the media craving actors and other celebrities that have stated opinions on the subject. Their opinions have no more weight on the subject than John Q. Public! They just get their ideas published, the rest of us talk about it on forums.


New Member
So Dakota Meyer's recommendation for war and boots on the ground is now laudable, because he criticizes Trump? "Fear won't win" but a big nuke - now THAT'S a winner. :yay:

Liberals are a messed up bunch.

Now you know how they feel after a republican debate.:coffee: