Mom collapses after applying home hair color kit


Salt Life
Scary! Hair dye allergy 'left mother-of-two Julie McCabe with serious brain damage' | Mail Online

A mother who collapsed and stopped breathing minutes after applying a home hair dye kit was in a coma last night and has been given only an 8 per cent chance of survival.

Julie McCabe, 38, may have suffered a severe allergic reaction to a chemical in the L’Oreal Preference product.

She remained on a life support machine last night, three weeks after she used the dye, as her family continued a bedside vigil.

Doctors have warned her devastated husband Russell that even if she survives she will almost certainly be permanently brain-damaged.

No definitive link has yet been made with the L’Oreal product but doctors caring for Mrs McCabe, an estate agent, have asked for the kit and gloves she used so they can carry out tests.

L’Oreal has offered to assist the medical staff with any information that may help save Mrs McCabe’s life.

It is feared the chemical para-phenylenediamine (PPD) – present in 99 per cent of all hair dyes – may be linked to her condition.

Her family, who say she dyed her hair every six weeks and had never experienced any reaction previously, is now considering legal action.

They have contacted a solicitor representing others who have suffered reactions to PPD.

Read more: Hair dye allergy 'left mother-of-two Julie McCabe with serious brain damage' | Mail Online


Dream Stealer
She was allergic, they can't help that :shrug:

Allergies can come out of nowhere to anything, even things that you previously had no issues with.


Dream Stealer
Agreed! But, still sad... something that you've done over and over again and suddenly you're in a coma.

yeah and a little scary. We come into contact with so many chemicals, especially women (facewash, acne creams, depilitory creams, dye, makeup even) and it's rare for something like that to happen..but it does.


Routinely Derailed
I don't know why I even bothered to look, but I did, and what interested me is that the user has to check for an allergic reaction EVERY TIME the dye is used, because the chemical builds up over time. It was also interesting to see that the same chemical can cause cancer (but everything causes cancer). I would imagine that L'Oreal will be back to the drawing board with a new chemical engineering staff soon. In the meantime, one wonders what else is in the various "beauty aids" people use. When I was a kid I was shocked to learn that Whale Blubber was being used in the cosmetics industry. Probably not now, but back then it came as a surprise. I was young enough to wonder if using makeup would make you fat like a whale.


Dream Stealer
I don't know why I even bothered to look, but I did, and what interested me is that the user has to check for an allergic reaction EVERY TIME the dye is used, because the chemical builds up over time. It was also interesting to see that the same chemical can cause cancer (but everything causes cancer). I would imagine that L'Oreal will be back to the drawing board with a new chemical engineering staff soon. In the meantime, one wonders what else is in the various "beauty aids" people use. When I was a kid I was shocked to learn that Whale Blubber was being used in the cosmetics industry. Probably not now, but back then it came as a surprise. I was young enough to wonder if using makeup would make you fat like a whale.

They use all kinds of things..including placenta. Mostly sheep. But that kind of thing is natural, and in general,'s the man made chemicals that are kinda scary. But to be honest, allergies are mysterys. They can't be explained or predicted. Sometimes, stuff just happens. It is rare.

Sweet 16

I don't know why I even bothered to look, but I did, and what interested me is that the user has to check for an allergic reaction EVERY TIME the dye is used, because the chemical builds up over time. It was also interesting to see that the same chemical can cause cancer (but everything causes cancer). I would imagine that L'Oreal will be back to the drawing board with a new chemical engineering staff soon. In the meantime, one wonders what else is in the various "beauty aids" people use. When I was a kid I was shocked to learn that Whale Blubber was being used in the cosmetics industry. Probably not now, but back then it came as a surprise. I was young enough to wonder if using makeup would make you fat like a whale.

And this is why the directions say to test it on a small area of skin before applying! I don't know about the UK, but the warning is on there in the US. The manufacturer has done their due diligence by including it, but they can't force the end-user to follow the directions exactly.


Active Member
Hair Dye

A Woman came in to our Office with a reaction to a Hair Dye that caused her Scalp, and face to swell up like a Water Balloon. It was a dye that she had been using for a long time. That's when I decided to go with the hair color I was born with. It was a scarey sight, and scarey for the Patient too.


Where can you buy this stuff? I need stocking stuffers for some irritating biatches with some gray.
I know folks who have enjoyed eating seafood from childhood on into adulthood without issue then suddenly one day the have a severe allergic reaction to it and can never eat it again.

It happens.


Well-Known Member
I know folks who have enjoyed eating seafood from childhood on into adulthood without issue then suddenly one day the have a severe allergic reaction to it and can never eat it again.

It happens.

True. My daughter was never allergic to anything (except pollen) growing up. A few years ago she found out she was allergic to any kind of berries and tomatoes. Crazy.


Routinely Derailed
So I wonder if one can develop allergies to certain people? Oh, wait, Pete already posted about that. :lol: