Mom gives baby methodone


Baby blues
Coaster said:
I once knew a chick who spent a couple of years as a deadhead. One of the girls that traveled with her group had an infant child and brought the infant along, well... aforementioned girl with the infant decided to give her own baby LSD. After that, the girl I knew went home and got a job.
Following the Grateful Dead with an infant in tow is just plain stupid, but that LSD thing still freaks me out.
One of the sickest stories I've ever heard.

Do you know what happened to the baby? I can't imagine it survived. Some people just shouldn't have kids.


New Member
Tinkerbell said:
Do you know what happened to the baby? I can't imagine it survived. Some people just shouldn't have kids.

I can't remember what she said about the after effects, but she did say that it wasn't a full hit. Thinking back on it, she said something about the baby being ok, but I was sitting in shock after the story, I'm sitting here in shock right now just recalling the tale.
Hippies suck.


Tinkerbell said:


Right here in our own state, too. What is the world coming to?

First of thats absolutely ridiculous that someone would ever do that to their own child. But on the other hand, if this women had been an addict for such a long time, and performed these drugs while pregnant with the child, and the doctors and whomever knew this, why was the woman given custody of the child in the first place? It's a horrible thing for an innocent child to have to go through something like this but really what were the others thinking who gave this woman the chance to raise a child knowing her background?

:jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: