Mommy makeover



I was wondering if anyone has had one done? If so do you have any recommendations of Dr in the area? What did you have done?

I had two kids practically back to back and gained a lot of weight..I mean a lot. I have since, through eating right and exercise, have taken most of the weight off and am almost at my original pre-pregnancy weight. Of course between the excessive weight gain and the pregnancies then the weight loss my body is just not what it used to be and I was interested in looking into this as an option.



New Member
I don't even know what this is - a mommy makeover - but I am assuming it is a cute name for a plastic surgery procedure,since you asked for a doctor. I am going to suggest to you that you consider that fact that you do have two children,and bear in mind that ANY medical procedure or drug has risks. And weigh the benefit against the potential damage you could do. I'm not trying to seem rude or oblivious to the fact that you aren't happy with your body,but you said you are almost at pre-baby weight. Don't let vanity lead you into something dangerous.


New Member
I just googled this and sure is just a conglomeration of procedures with a nickname attached. I stand by what I already wrote - potential risks are not worth the benefit in my opinion. However,if you are determined to do it,I would suggest to you that you DO NOT get it done locally. Go to a top notch surgeon at a good hospital,Hopkins,UM,Georgetown,etc. Do not opt for an in office procedure. When things get out of hand-and it does happen-there is no support,they call 911.


New Member
Reading is always good too - see the post above yours.

No,I'm not. I've had a sinus infection for three weeks now. I think my b*tch switch got flipped. Dammit.


Thanks for your concern. I was hoping for just information and not a debate but I guess since the subject is so loaded a debate is inevitable.
I know it is partially vanity but in 5 years I gained 150lbs then lost 125 of it. I do not know if you realize what that really does to ones body.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Thanks for your concern. I was hoping for just information and not a debate but I guess since the subject is so loaded a debate is inevitable.
I know it is partially vanity but in 5 years I gained 150lbs then lost 125 of it. I do not know if you realize what that really does to ones body.

Don't listen to them. There's nothing wrong with a little nip/tuck to put everything back where it belongs.

A couple of people on here have had boobs and/or belly done - they may or may not come on with a recommendation. But do a Google search for plastic surgeons in Annapolis, DC or Baltimore and check their references. You may also get PMs from folks on here who don't want the whole forum knowing their business.

Good luck!


Dream Stealer
Don't listen to them. There's nothing wrong with a little nip/tuck to put everything back where it belongs.

A couple of people on here have had boobs and/or belly done - they may or may not come on with a recommendation. But do a Google search for plastic surgeons in Annapolis, DC or Baltimore and check their references. You may also get PMs from folks on here who don't want the whole forum knowing their business.

Good luck!

:yay: heck yes. If you have the money go for it. A friend of mine got her boobies done in annapolis, some place that does all inclusive pricing..and they look great. I will have to find the name of the doc.


Don't listen to them. There's nothing wrong with a little nip/tuck to put everything back where it belongs.

A couple of people on here have had boobs and/or belly done - they may or may not come on with a recommendation. But do a Google search for plastic surgeons in Annapolis, DC or Baltimore and check their references. You may also get PMs from folks on here who don't want the whole forum knowing their business.

Good luck!

Thank you!
A PM would be great if anyone feels like sharing there. I have done searches but I was curious if I should go local (Prince Frederick, which I am hesitant about) or go a little further (Annapolis/DC/Baltimore). I was hoping to also get some specific recommendations to narrow that down.


New Member
Don't listen to them. There's nothing wrong with a little nip/tuck to put everything back where it belongs.

A couple of people on here have had boobs and/or belly done - they may or may not come on with a recommendation. But do a Google search for plastic surgeons in Annapolis, DC or Baltimore and check their references. You may also get PMs from folks on here who don't want the whole forum knowing their business.

Good luck!

Never said it was wrong,I said to weigh the risks and the benefits. If you are willing to risk your life over some flab,so be it. Lots of people have had these procedures,and lots of them go wrong as well. I happen to have been in a profession where I got to see a lot of the wrong,and since being a forum moderator does not allow you that,I think my perspective is a bit more valid than yours,Vrai. Surgery is always a big deal. That said,I also suggested some good places for her to go to give herself the best chance at it being successful. I think listening to that is a very good idea.


Salt Life
Go to a top notch surgeon at a good hospital,Hopkins,UM,Georgetown,etc. Do not opt for an in office procedure. When things get out of hand-and it does happen-there is no support,they call 911.

Hospitals are major germ areas. It is best to have an elective procedure outside of a hospital. :smile:


New Member
I was wondering if anyone has had one done? If so do you have any recommendations of Dr in the area? What did you have done?

I had two kids practically back to back and gained a lot of weight..I mean a lot. I have since, through eating right and exercise, have taken most of the weight off and am almost at my original pre-pregnancy weight. Of course between the excessive weight gain and the pregnancies then the weight loss my body is just not what it used to be and I was interested in looking into this as an option.


I have been wanting to get this done for a while now too. I have to finish losing weight first. I have 40 more pounds to go to reach my ultimate goal. Please keep me updated if you get it done.In a year i am hoping to get it done.


Thanks for all the information everyone, both here and via PM's. I am probably not going to have it done until sometime next year, if it is what I decide to do. I still have another 10-20 lbs I would like to take off. However I would like to start getting some consultations in the next few months so that is why I am asking now.