Morality and Health Care in the US......


Ubi bene ibi patria
Morality and Health Care in the US: Let the Lazy Buggers Die

"I write fairly frequently about health care policy. And almost every time I do, someone crawls out of the woodwork and says something similar to this:

I worked hard for my health insurance. I don’t see why someone who didn’t work hard, save, and prioritize paying for health insurance, should get as good a health care as I do.

Let’s look at this. We’ll leave aside the assumption that people who don’t have health insurance aren’t hard workers, it’s bull####, but let’s grant it. Let’s say it’s true. Then lets parse the morality of this statement. Let’s re-state it more clearly:

Lazy people don’t deserve good and timely health care. That means that some of them will die or suffer pain, nausea or debilitation that could otherwise be stopped, but since they’re lazy they deserve to die or suffer for their laziness."

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Morality and Health Care in the US: Let the Lazy Buggers Die


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lazy people don’t deserve good and timely health care. That means that some of them will die or suffer pain, nausea or debilitation that could otherwise be stopped, but since they’re lazy they deserve to die or suffer for their laziness."

Pretty much. It's a dog eat dog world, nome sane? Ants and grasshoppers and such...

You know, all the Socialized medicine people can buy someone else's insurance any time they want to. They don't need the government to do it. Just go down to the local Social Services office and ask to sponsor a family. It's pretty simple.


New Member
Pretty much. It's a dog eat dog world, nome sane? Ants and grasshoppers and such...

You know, all the Socialized medicine people can buy someone else's insurance any time they want to. They don't need the government to do it. Just go down to the local Social Services office and ask to sponsor a family. It's pretty simple.

I wonder how many of our Democratic Presidential wannabes have done this instead of raping us with taxes to pay for this.


Well-Known Member
Lazy people don’t deserve good and timely health care. That means that some of them will die or suffer pain, nausea or debilitation that could otherwise be stopped, but since they’re lazy they deserve to die or suffer for their laziness."
As someone who provides for myself and my own, I don't think this was the sentiment expressed at all. I think it was that people who don't pay for health insurance themselves don't deserve MY money paying for it. People suffer the consequences of their actions (or, inactions).


Dr. Rafik Nasr & Dr. S. Cafferty beware!

:pete:I will get to the topic in a few paragraphs.
The problem is not whether someone has health insurance or not. The problem lies within the health"care" community. The only advocate for a sick or injured person is themselves. So, if you are not sick, do whatever you can to remain healthy or establish a healthy lifestyle. There is not one physician that is going to spend more than 7 to 15 minutes thinking about your symptoms because their attorneys and insurance companies tell the physicians that is the limit of time they can spend on any one person. The physicians attorneys and insurance companies also tell them to not take new patients that are chronically ill because they can be a liability and take up too much of the physicians time.
I have two PPO insurances and they pay for everything that a physician writes an order for but they do not pay the physician to diagnose me. The problem is getting a physician that will listen to you and speak to you without sarcasm, lies or without you having to talk to the back of their head after they had walked out of the exam room and you were not done asking questions. Physicians want to write prescriptions to cover up the symptoms but they do not want to try to figure out what is actually causing the symptoms, because they simply do not care. I have had the privledges to hang out with the nurses behind the desk where patients cannot see what is happening. I receive these statements first hand.

I am 42 years old and have been chronically ill with some type of very painful degenerative disease(s)/disorder(s). My first symptom was over 15 years ago. I have been seeking a competent physician all of the years that I have lived in Southern MD. I have not found one general physician or specialist locally or at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, at Universities around Baltimore and the District of Columbia that have been interested in helping me figure out what is causing my symptoms. After 15 years the list of symptoms has grown to Neurological, Rheumatological, Endocrinology, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Dermatology,Alternative Therapy, Surgeons, (Calvert has only 2 surgeons as of now) and many more. So I have to say that poor health"care" is not just in Southern MD, it is just worse in Southern MD, but it is a nationwide epidemic. How many of you know that in the United States, the most powerful country in the world (for now), the richest country (so they claim), has over fifty million people living in unbearable pain every second of every day because they are undertreated. This is an epidemic also. Chronic pain patients that are not treated or under-treated when their is medication available to treat these people. Yes, I am one of them but my pain has been treated adequately. I have done advococy work with APF, I have done news interviews about how the people that misuse pharmaceuticals are hurting the people that are in chronic pain and need pain medications, I have spoke for the prress, physicians and the media about this matter. It is a battle that is never going to end. Why? Because the doctors are sissy's and self-absorbed. If they do not care about treating people with dignity, respect, and humanity then they should get out of the health care field. PERIOD.

It is not just Southern Md, but I have to say that all of the physicians that I have consulted with in Southern MD are a joke. I have been going to the same general practitioner for about 7 years or so. I saw him right before Christmas and he told my husband while I was sitting there that he "wanted to get rid of me". He stated that he is not qualified to prescribe me the medications that he has been prescribing me over the past 7 years. Now that's comforting! I have a lot more to say about these physicians.

If you have any stories about the two physicians mentioned in this heading, please email me privately and let me know what has happened. We are getting as many stories, bad incidents, etc. as we can get about the above two physicians. My story alone is enough because they have failed to act and left me for dead. Even if you just want to vent about them, drop me an email. I promise your email address or name will not get back to either one of them and will be held confidential. I am a patient of the two and I am not affiliated with thier firm. I would be too embarrassed to admit that. I want to take them down. :duel:
What I have written about and too much more to write here are serious matters.


New Member
:pete:I will get to the topic in a few paragraphs.
The problem is not whether someone has health insurance or not. The problem lies within the health"care" community. The only advocate for a sick or injured person is themselves. So, if you are not sick, do whatever you can to remain healthy or establish a healthy lifestyle. There is not one physician that is going to spend more than 7 to 15 minutes thinking about your symptoms because their attorneys and insurance companies tell the physicians that is the limit of time they can spend on any one person. The physicians attorneys and insurance companies also tell them to not take new patients that are chronically ill because they can be a liability and take up too much of the physicians time.
I have two PPO insurances and they pay for everything that a physician writes an order for but they do not pay the physician to diagnose me. The problem is getting a physician that will listen to you and speak to you without sarcasm, lies or without you having to talk to the back of their head after they had walked out of the exam room and you were not done asking questions. Physicians want to write prescriptions to cover up the symptoms but they do not want to try to figure out what is actually causing the symptoms, because they simply do not care. I have had the privledges to hang out with the nurses behind the desk where patients cannot see what is happening. I receive these statements first hand.

I am 42 years old and have been chronically ill with some type of very painful degenerative disease(s)/disorder(s). My first symptom was over 15 years ago. I have been seeking a competent physician all of the years that I have lived in Southern MD. I have not found one general physician or specialist locally or at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, at Universities around Baltimore and the District of Columbia that have been interested in helping me figure out what is causing my symptoms. After 15 years the list of symptoms has grown to Neurological, Rheumatological, Endocrinology, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Dermatology,Alternative Therapy, Surgeons, (Calvert has only 2 surgeons as of now) and many more. So I have to say that poor health"care" is not just in Southern MD, it is just worse in Southern MD, but it is a nationwide epidemic. How many of you know that in the United States, the most powerful country in the world (for now), the richest country (so they claim), has over fifty million people living in unbearable pain every second of every day because they are undertreated. This is an epidemic also. Chronic pain patients that are not treated or under-treated when their is medication available to treat these people. Yes, I am one of them but my pain has been treated adequately. I have done advococy work with APF, I have done news interviews about how the people that misuse pharmaceuticals are hurting the people that are in chronic pain and need pain medications, I have spoke for the prress, physicians and the media about this matter. It is a battle that is never going to end. Why? Because the doctors are sissy's and self-absorbed. If they do not care about treating people with dignity, respect, and humanity then they should get out of the health care field. PERIOD.

It is not just Southern Md, but I have to say that all of the physicians that I have consulted with in Southern MD are a joke. I have been going to the same general practitioner for about 7 years or so. I saw him right before Christmas and he told my husband while I was sitting there that he "wanted to get rid of me". He stated that he is not qualified to prescribe me the medications that he has been prescribing me over the past 7 years. Now that's comforting! I have a lot more to say about these physicians.

If you have any stories about the two physicians mentioned in this heading, please email me privately and let me know what has happened. We are getting as many stories, bad incidents, etc. as we can get about the above two physicians. My story alone is enough because they have failed to act and left me for dead. Even if you just want to vent about them, drop me an email. I promise your email address or name will not get back to either one of them and will be held confidential. I am a patient of the two and I am not affiliated with thier firm. I would be too embarrassed to admit that. I want to take them down. :duel:
What I have written about and too much more to write here are serious matters.



New Member
I would much prefer to have a big chunk of my taxes go to pay for health care for Americans rather than all the foreign aid for despotic countries that it goes towards now. I think our taxes should be spent to benefit our own country and our own citizens. After all our internal problems are fixed, then we can consider helping "them".


Lazy people don’t deserve good and timely health care. That means that some of them will die or suffer pain, nausea or debilitation that could otherwise be stopped, but since they’re lazy they deserve to die or suffer for their laziness."

:shrug: Ok....

They also don't deserve to eat as well.

Or drive as nice cars.

Or live in as nice houses.

Or have as hot trophy wives.


And the inventor of capitalism rests happily in his grave.


professional daydreamer
Instead of trying to make group A foot the bill for group B's health insurance, they need to go after companies that work an employee up to 38-39 hours a week to avoid giving said employee benefits.