More BS From Maryland Republicans



I got this from the MD GOP -


The MD House Democrats Plan to Follow Senate Democrats
In Overriding Governor Ehrlich’s Veto of Energy Bill - Energy Bill Would Hurt Maryland’s Low Income Families and Small
Business Owners

Please call your delegate TODAY at (410) 841-3000 and tell them do not vote to override Governor Ehrlich’s veto of this silly legislation

--This energy efficiency legislation was introduced in 15 state
legislatures last year – and it was defeated in 14

--Only the Maryland General Assembly passed the bill

--This bill will add $100 to the cost of appliances bought in Maryland – washing machines, clothes driers, air conditioners, ceiling fans, refrigerators

--Poor people will pay more

--Retailers will suffer as people buy their appliances in neighboring states

Congress is debating a national energy standards bill that will
establish uniform, nationwide standards, not a state-by-state patchwork

Call your delegates at (410) 841-3000 and tell them to stick with
Governor Ehrlich – do not vote to override his veto of this silly

I think I smell some :bs: here. Most poor people that I know don't go out and buy many new appliances, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to travel all the way to VA to shop for a fridge and then pay bigtime extra dollars to get it delivered to MD. And adding $100 to the cost of a $24 ceiling fan? Could there be some exageration going on???


Not dead yet.
Didn't I just hear a radio ad the other day from Governor Ehrlich touting a tax break for buying energy star rated appliances from now until June?

I hear what you're saying about the BS, and agree that this note doesn't make very good arguments. I could see going to another state to buy appliances, though. Remember, not everyone lives down here (thank God!) and it can be a pretty easy run to go up to PA or over to DE or even into WV rather than generate tax dollars here.


New Member
Not that I care one way or the other, but I could see that mandated efficiency performance could jack costs due to the need for higher-end components in the new appliances. But, money will be saved over the life of the appliance.

A bill from low-flush-toilet/high-mileage-car genre.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Actually, although I am a Republican, I disagreed with Erlich's veto and recently signed a petition to have it reinstated.

My reasoning? The savings in energy will offset the increased cost of the appliances over time. Since commercial services are the ones who buy most of these appliances, they will lower their costs and it will help the economy.

Perhaps even prices for commercial services will go down as a result...(although I wouldn't count on that.)

I may be a Republican, but I find it in my and my family line's best interest to preserve our energy and I try to make environmentally friendly decisions anytime I can afford to.


Chairman of the Board
If you live in the DC area, damn straight you'll cross the bridge to buy an appliance. Or heck, just drive into DC. Why throw your money away? Maybe the initiator of this thread did not realize how convenient some places in Virginia are, if you live up near DC. My folks often go there to buy stuff *anyway*.


Originally posted by Bruzilla
--This bill will add $100 to the cost of appliances bought in Maryland – washing machines, clothes driers, air conditioners, ceiling fans, refrigerators

--Poor people will pay more

If the bill adds $100 to the cost of applicances, wouldn't everyone pay more? Not just poor people?


Good point Toxick. :clap:

Frank... as I mentioned in my post, the costs of having items delivered over state lines is pretty steep... as I learned recently when I was looking at furniture. I was quoted a delivery charge of $45 (this was in VA). When I mentioned that I'm in MD the salesman shut down because he said it would cost about $125 to get it delivered in MD. Most major appliance dealers offer very limited delivery areas, and if you're outside of that area... you pay, and if you require a delivery outside of the state you pay even more.

I'm sure this won't stop someone from scootin' over the state line to get a ceiling fan, but a fridge is a bit harder to stick in the trunk. And don't even think about renting a U-Haul. :mad: You'd be much better off paying the tax.