More Classified Documents found in Trumps Bedroom months after Raid


Well-Known Member
Former President Trump’s attorneys found classified documents in his bedroom four months after the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago, per court documents unsealed Tuesday.

The judge wrote in an 87-page opinion that, “Notably, no excuse is provided as to how the former president could miss the classified-marked documents found in his own bedroom at Mar-a-Lago.”

  • The DOJ said at the time that the boxes, stored everywhere from a shower to a business center, held hundreds of classified documents that, if exposed, could threaten U.S. national security, foreign relations, and the safety of the military.

A witness scanned the contents of the box containing the classified materials and stored them on a laptop in her possession owned by Trump’s Save America PAC, according to a footnote in the opinion.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You spend a lot of time thinking about Trump and his bedroom, don'cha?



Well-Known Member
The judge should have written in an 87-page opinion that, “Notably, no excuse is provided as to how the FBI could be so incompetent as to miss the classified-marked documents found in Trump's bedroom at Mar-a-Lago unless they were in reality actually planted by the FBI.”


Well-Known Member
The judge should have written in an 87-page opinion that, “Notably, no excuse is provided as to how the FBI could be so incompetent as to miss the classified-marked documents found in Trump's bedroom at Mar-a-Lago unless they were in reality actually planted by the FBI.”
Guess they weren't under her lace knickers.